Inquiring About Payments

This section discusses how to view payment details summary and status, and view payment details and invoices.

Page Name

Definition Name


Review Payments - Payment History Page


View payment details summary and status.

Review Payments - Payment Reference Page


View payment details and the invoices included in each payment.

Review Invoices - Payment Inquiry Page


View processed, scheduled, canceled, and outstanding payment details.

Use the Review Payments - Payment History page (EM_BUY_PYMT_INQ) to view payment details summary and status.


eSettlements > Payments > Review Payments > Review Payments - Payment History

Payment Details

Field or Control



Displays the payment advice sequence.


Click the payment reference number link to open the Review Payments - Payment Reference page and view the payment detail and payment advice.

Financial Gateway

Field or Control



Click a reference ID link to access the Review Payments – Payment Reference page, and view payment detail and advice information.

Settle by

Displays if the payment has been processed through Financial Gateway or Pay Cycle.

Use the Review Payments - Payment Reference page (EM_PYMNT_INQ) to view payment details and the invoices included in each payment.


Click a Reference link on the Review Payments - Payment History page.

Payment Detail

Field or Control



Displays the date the payment was created.

Days Outstanding

Displays the number of days the payment is outstanding.

Cleared On

Displays the date the payment was cleared. If this field is blank, the payment has not yet cleared.

Cancel Action

Displays the cancellation status of the payment. Values include:

No Cancel Action: Displays if the payment hasn't been canceled.

Re-Open Voucher(s)/Re-Issue: Enables you to reselect the scheduled payments and reissue them in the next pay cycle.

Re-Open Voucher(s)/Put On Hold: Enables you to reopen the scheduled payments, but places them on hold for your review. You can perform additional investigation or revise voucher information before proceeding with a payment. The pay cycle process does not select the scheduled payments until the hold is removed.

Note: Search for payments with a Payment Status of Void to view the last two cancel actions statuses.

Voucher ID

Click the voucher ID links to view detailed voucher information.