Processing Cash Collections

This section provides an overview of cash collections processing and lists the page used to run the cash collections process.

Page Name

Definition Name


Process Workflow - Run Control Parameters Page


Run the Cash Collections Notification Application Engine process (EM_CCEMAILAE) to generate and send payment reminder emails to buyers.

The Cash Collections Notification Application Engine process (EM_CCEMAILAE) can be run on demand or scheduled to run regularly. This process selects all invoices that have not been paid and have exceeded their payment due date by the number of late payment days, and selects any invoices that still remain outstanding beyond the late payment days and the reminder days. It selects all past due invoices for suppliers that specified cash collections notifications be sent, and generates an email to each buyer role and user ID whose account is delinquent. The system references those roles and user IDs defined in the notification setup. The system also tracks these emails to ensure the same notice is not sent twice.

The system administrator runs or schedules the process to generate payment reminder emails. Notifications are sent to the buyer and supplier roles and user IDs specified on the notification setup.

The process uses specific criteria to select invoices requiring dunning emails. All of the following criteria must be true for each notification, respectively:

Email Notification Type


Late Payment

  • Invoice has not been paid.

  • Invoice is not in error.

  • Invoice match status is M (matched) or N (not applicable).

  • No holds exist against invoice payments.

  • The payment due date is earlier than—or the same as—the current date less the value of the Late Payment Days specified for the cash collections notification type on the Define Supplier Notifications - Define Notification Types page.

  • Payment is not External type.


  • Late payment email was sent.

  • Invoice has not been paid.

  • Invoice is not in error.

  • Invoice match status is M (matched) or N (not applicable).

  • No holds exist against invoice payments.

  • The payment due date is earlier than—or the same as—the current date less the Days Before Sending Reminder value defined for the cash collections notification type on the Define Supplier Notifications - Define Notification Types page.

  • No payment has been made.

  • Payment is not External type.