Role-Based Implementation

Because PeopleSoft eSettlements is complex and configurable, several roles and steps are involved in the implementation of a new system.

This section provides an overview of role types and role names.

Whether you implement the Buyer Direct model or the Business Service Provider model, you must employ certain roles in the setup. You can attach PeopleSoft eSettlements role names to a role type to control access and enable processing. Depending on your organization's needs, new users may be assigned to various buyer or supplier roles. The system provides predefined role types, and you can set up your own roles using the delivered data as a reference. After you define your roles, the system administrator must then map the roles to the delivered PeopleSoft eSettlements role types. This step ensures that the system can identify how the new roles are used within PeopleSoft eSettlements.

Note: When you create a system administrator, ensure that you complete all of the user preferences, including the default SetID.

Establishment of various roles is required, depending on the email notification options and the invoice approval levels that you specify during buyer registration. Roles are also required to enable prepayments, urgent payments, payment cancellations, and line-level routing to operational users.

In the Business Service Provider model, if a buyer subscribes to payment processing by PeopleSoft eSettlements, you must create a pay cycle for the new buyer. If the buyer subscribed to the self-service or to the automated pay cycle and also requires pay cycle approval, you also establish pay cycle security for the user that is responsible for approving payments.

Here are the delivered buyer role types and associated role name mappings that you can use as a reference when setting up roles:

Note: To use roles in PeopleSoft eSettlements, you must map the roles that you set up to the appropriate delivered, predefined PeopleSoft eSettlements role types.

Buyer Role Type

Buyer Role Name

Buyer Administrator


Buyer Accountant


Buyer User








Here are the available supplier role types and associated role names:

Supplier Role Type

Supplier Role Name

Supplier Administrator


Supplier User





In the Business Service Provider model there are also two host administrator role types assigned by the consolidator: host functional administrator (EM_HOST_ADM_FUNC), and host technical administrator (EM_HOST_ADM_TECH).

In the Buyer Direct model, you set up a payables administrator role and map it to the system administrator role type.

Note: The host administrator must set up at least one buying entity for each buyer (business unit), and one selling entity for each supplier.

Once the initial setup is complete, the local buyer administrator and local supplier administrator can create additional users to suit their particular organization's needs.