Defining Services Forecast Options

You can specify default settings at the project business unit level for all new projects. These settings can be overridden later at the individual project level.

Note: This topic is optional. If you want to accept the forecast option default values that appear on the Program Management Options page, you do not need to complete the tasks that are discussed in This topic. You can continue to the next step in the implementation.

Page Name

Definition Name


Program Management Options Page


Specify default values at the project business unit level for automatic forecast approval, forecast level, and standard rate.

Program Management Page


Override automatic forecast approval, standard rate, and forecast-level default settings that are defined at the project business unit level for an individual project.

Use the Program Management Options page (PGM_PROG_MGMT_OPT) to specify default values at the project business unit level for automatic forecast approval, forecast level, and standard rate.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Business Unit Related > Program Management > Business Unit Options > Program Management Options

Forecast Capture Group Box

Field or Control


Automatic Forecast Approval

Select this option to indicate that the project manager does not have to approve the forecasts to make them accessible to the PeopleSoft Program Management application. Deselect the option to indicate that approval is required on the Review Forecast by Project page before the forecasts can be used.

The default value is No (check box deselected).

Note: Forecast data is available for utilization interactive reports and ESA Portal Pack pagelets, with or without approval.

Forecast Level

Select Project (project) or Project/Activity (activity) as the level of forecasting to occur.

The default value is Project/Activity.

Warning! If you select Project, the activity is not required when you enter a forecast. This affects the organization's ability to report forecasts at the activity level.

Standard Rate

Select Resource (employee), Job Code (job code), or Role (project role) to determine how the system looks up the standard rate per hour per resource. This rate is used to calculate costs and revenue.

The default value is Role.

Use the Program Management page (PROJECT_GEN_02) to override automatic forecast approval, standard rate, and forecast-level default settings that are defined at the project business unit level for an individual project.


Program Management > Project Definitions > General Information > Program Management

On this page you can override for an individual project the Automatic Forecast Approval, Standard Rate, and Forecast Level default settings that are established at the project business unit level on the Program Management Options page.