Refreshing Program Data

Page Name

Definition Name


Program Refresh Page


Specify run control parameters to summarize project data into program data.

The Program Refresh Application Engine process (PGM_PROGRFSH) summarizes project data into program data and recalculates:

  • Project health.

    This applies to programs and projects with a health criteria method of calculate. When you run this process, the health as of date is updated with the date and time of processing.

  • Start and end dates.

    The system updates program dates only; project dates are updated in real time when activity dates are updated. The system updates the program's start and end dates based on the earliest start date and latest end date of its child projects.

You should run the program refresh process as often as you need current program or project health status. For example, if the project manager reports the status weekly on Fridays, you should run the process on Thursday nights.

Use the Program Refresh page (RUN_PGM_PROG_RFSH) to specify run control parameters to summarize project data into program data.


Program Management > Program Tools > Program Refresh

Field or Control


BU/Proj Option (Business unit/project option)

Specify the level of processing. Options are:

Business Unit: Select to process all projects and programs within the business unit.

Business Unit/Project: Select to run for a specified project or program within the business unit.

Business Unit

Specify the business unit for which to run this process.


Specify the project for which to run this process. This field is required when the BU/Proj Option field is set to Business Unit/Project.

Select from Enterprise Program Tree

Click to view the enterprise program tree that is associated with the business unit, and select the specific program or project to refresh.

Calculate Health

Select to recalculate project health. The system calculates the result based on health parameters that you enter at the business unit level for all selected projects with a health method of Calculate.

Note: To use this option, you must ensure that health parameters are already set up for the selected business unit; otherwise, the system displays an error message when the Program Refresh process runs.

Roll Up Start/End Dates

Select to update program dates based on the dates of their child projects in the enterprise program tree.

Important! Programs and projects must reside on the enterprise program tree for the Program Refresh process to calculate the program or project health.