Setting Up Project Request Options

To set up project request options, use these components:

  • Setup Prompt Tables (BC_GENERAL_PREF)

  • Initiative Type Mapping (PPK_INITYPE_TBL)

  • Setup Priority (PPK_PRIORITY_UPD)

  • Project Request - Setup Update (BC_PROJ_ROL_ST)

  • Project Request - Setup View (BC_PROJ_ROL_ST_VW)

Page Name

Definition Name


Setup Prompt Tables Page


Specify which tables the system uses to prompt for department and account data.

Project Request ID Sequencing Page


Specify how project request IDs are generated.

Discount Rate Page


Specify the rate that can be used to discount project requests' cash flows when calculating financial return metrics such as net present value and return on investment. PeopleSoft Program Management provides the ability to set up this discount rate; however, as delivered, the interactive reports do not use this rate to generate financial metrics.

Conversion Rate Type Page


Specify which rate type the system uses for currency conversions of project request cost and benefit amounts.

Initiative Type Mapping Page


Set up a unique identifier that maps the type of project initiative to a project owner.

Setup - Priority Description Page


Establish descriptions for the priority ratings that are assigned to project requests.

Privileges for Project Request Page


Specify project request edit privileges by role and status, or remove a role's privileges.

Privileges for Project Request Page (Role Selection)


Review project request edit privileges by role and status.

Use the Setup Prompt Tables page (BC_SETUP_PROMPT) to specify which tables the system uses to prompt for department and account data.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Program Management > Request Options > Setup PGM Request Preferences > Setup Prompt Tables

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Setup Prompt Tables page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Setup Prompt Tables page

Field or Control


Department Prompt Table

Select the PeopleSoft record name that contains department data.

The system uses this record as a prompt for valid department values on the Cost and Benefit pages of the Project Request component (BC_PROJ_REQUEST). Selecting the record that accurately depicts the department hierarchy as defined within the general ledger business unit is critical. The record that you enter must be keyed by SetID and contain a DESCR field.

Note: PeopleSoft Program Management is delivered with the value DEPT_TBL in this field. Most organizations accept this value, which is the standard department record that is used in the Financials database by all of the PeopleSoft Financials applications.

Account Prompt Table

Select the table that contains account data.

The system uses this table as a prompt for valid account values on the Cost and Benefit pages of the Project Request component. Selecting the table that accurately depicts the account hierarchy as it's defined within the general ledger business unit is critical. The table must be keyed by SetID and contain a DESCR field.

Note: PeopleSoft Program Management is delivered with the value GL_ACCOUNT_TBL in this field. Most organizations accept this value, which is the standard account record that is used in the Financials database by all of the PeopleSoft Financials applications.

Use the Project Request ID Sequencing page (BC_PM_OPTIONS) to specify how project request IDs are generated.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Program Management > Request Options > Setup PGM Request Preferences > Project Request ID Sequencing

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Project Request ID Sequencing page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Project Request ID Sequencing page

Project Request ID Sequencing

Field or Control


Sequence Type

Specify how project request IDs are assigned. Options are:

Automatic Numbering: Select to have the system automatically generate unique project request IDs for new project requests by prepending the project request ID prefix to the next number in sequence after the value that appears in the Project Request ID Sequence field.

Manually Entered: Select to enter project request ID numbers manually when you create new project requests.

Project ID Prefix

Enter a prefix to use for project request IDs. The system appends the next available project request ID sequence number to this prefix when generating project request IDs.

Use the Overrides grid to specify different prefixes for specific business units.

This field is unavailable for entry when the sequence type is set to Manually Entered.

Project ID Sequence

Enter the initial number to use for project request IDs that are automatically generated. The system increases this number by one when you create a new project request.

This field is unavailable for entry when the sequence type is set to Manually Entered.

Note: Although the project request ID sequence number can be edited, doing so after project requests exist could cause project request ID conflicts.


Complete this grid to specify different project request ID prefixes for individual business units. Sequence numbers increase by one across all business units; only the prefix can differ. This grid is unavailable for entry when the sequence type is set to Manually Entered.

Use the Discount Rate page (PPK_DISC_RATE) to specify the rate that can be used to discount project requests' cash flows when calculating financial return metrics such as net present value and return on investment.

PeopleSoft Program Management provides the ability to set up this discount rate; however, as delivered, the interactive reports do not use this rate to generate financial metrics.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Program Management > Request Options > Setup PGM Request Preferences > Discount Rate

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Discount Rate page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Discount Rate page

Field or Control


Effective Date

Enter the date on which the discount percentage goes into effect. This allows you to change over time the rate at which the organization discounts cash flows.

Discount% (discount percentage)

Enter the rate that the system can use to discount the project request cost and benefit amounts to calculate financial metrics. This rate is not currently used in the delivered PeopleSoft Program Management interactive reports or project request.

Use the Conversion Rate Type page (PPK_RT_TYPE) to specify which rate type the system uses for currency conversions of project request cost and benefit amounts.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Program Management > Request Options > Setup PGM Request Preferences > Conversion Rate Type

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Conversion Rate Type page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Conversion Rate Type page

Field or Control


Rate Type

Select the rate type to use for currency conversions that occur within the Project Request component, and for conversions that are completed by using the Process Currency Conversions page.

Use the Initiative Type Mapping page (PPK_INITYPE_TBL) to set up a unique identifier that maps the type of project initiative to a project owner.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Program Management > Request Options > PGM Request Initiative Types

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Initiative Type Mapping page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Initiative Type Mapping page

Field or Control


Initiative Type ID

Displays the unique identifier for the initiative type.

Owner ID

Select the individual that is associated with this initiative type.

When you create project requests, you can associate them with an initiative type.

Use the Setup - Priority Description page (PPK_PRIORITY_UPD) to establish descriptions for the priority ratings that are assigned to project requests.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Program Management > Request Options > Setup PGM Proj Rqst Priorities

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Setup - Priority Description page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Setup - Priority Description page

Five priority levels and their corresponding descriptions are delivered in PeopleSoft Program Management, but you can modify the descriptions to suit your implementation. These descriptions are the valid priorities that appear in the Priority drop-down list box that is on the Project Request page.

Use the Privileges for Project Request page (BC_PROJ_ROL_ST) to specify project request edit privileges by role and status, or remove a role's privileges.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Program Management > Request Options > Setup PGM Proj Rqst Privileges. Click Add Role or click a <ROLENAME> on the Privileges for Project Request - Role Selection page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Privileges for Project Request page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Privileges for Project Request page

Field or Control


Edit Page

Select to permit this role to edit a project request when it is in the status that is listed in the current row. When this option is not selected, the role has view access only.

Note: Use the sample data that is delivered with the PeopleSoft Program Management application as a guideline for how you should establish edit privileges for the various roles that participate in the project request entry and approval business process. The key roles to consider emulating in the implementation are Project Requester, Project Owner, Project Manager, and Manager.

View Privileges for All Roles

Click to access the Privileges for Project Request page on which you can view a list of roles with their defined privileges. The list only displays roles for which you have defined privileges.

Delete Privileges of this Role

Click to delete this role's edit privileges.

Use the Privileges for Project Request - Role Selection page (BC_PROJ_ROL_ST_VW) to review project request edit privileges by role and status.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Program Management > Request Options > Setup PGM Request Privileges

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Privileges for Project Request - Role Selection page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Privileges for Project Request - Role Selection page

This page displays currently defined roles and their edit privileges, based on the project request status value. Users can add a role or modify an existing privilege definition.

Note: Use PeopleSoft security for limiting access to this page to the appropriate users within the organization.

Field or Control


Role Name

Click a role name within the grid to modify its privileges.

Add Role

Click to add a role and define its edit privileges. These roles must already exist and are created by using PeopleSoft security.