Viewing Forecast to Complete Variance

Note: The forecasts mentioned on this page refer to only Services Forecasting forecasts, not to the Estimate at Completion forecasts.

Page Name

Definition Name


Project Costing Definition Page


To use this analytic function, select a value for the Hours Unit of Measure field. This value converts the quantity of the selected unit of measure to hours.

Forecast to Complete Variance Page


Provides project search criteria to display a list of project transactions with time and date variance data.

Forecast to Complete Variance Page (Graphical View)


Uses search criteria from Forecast to Complete Variance page to display graphical view of project time and date variance data.

Use the Forecast to Complete Variance page (PC_EA_ETC_ANL1) to provides project search criteria to display a list of project transactions with time and date variance data.


Program Management > Interactive Reports > Forecast to Complete Rpt

Note: This page reports only projects for which the forecasting level is set to Project/Activity on the Program Management page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Forecast to Complete Variance page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Forecast to Complete Variance page

Enter the necessary search criteria to filter the projects that require forecast to complete variance analysis. Click the Search button to retrieve and display a list of projects that meet the specified parameters. Click the Reset button to reinstate the default search settings.

The page displays time and date variance data for each project that is in the filtered list.

Click the Graphical View link to create a chart view of the variance data. This link is only available if the selected Summarize By option is Project.

Activity Selection

Field or Control


Activity, Percent Complete From, and Percent Complete Through

Select an activity ID for which the completion percentage ranges from the value in the Percent Complete From field through the value in the Percent Complete Through field to provide further search criteria.

Display Options

These options customize how variance data appears.

Field or Control


Show Only

Select a value other than the default All to limit the displayed variances by using a comparison variance value. Options are:

  • All.

  • Variance Days Over.

  • Variance Days Under.

  • Variance Hours Percent Over.

  • Variance Hours Percent Under.

Variance Value

Specify the variance value to use for comparison purposes.

Summarize By

Select whether variance data displays by Project or by Activity.

Time Variance and Date Variance

Field or Control



Displays the activity ID. This column is displayed only if Activity is selected in the Summarize By section.

Actual Hours

Displays the number of hours that are recorded for the project or activity.

Forecast to Complete Hours

Displays the number of forecasted hours to complete the project or activity from the forecasting tables FC_TIME_HDR and FC_TIME_DTL for the forecast horizon that was most recently completed.

Forecast Total Hours

Displays the sum of Actual Hours and Forecast to Complete Hours.

Budget Hours

Displays the total number of hours that are budgeted for the project or activity.

Variance Percentage

Displays the variance percentage, which is calculated as ((Forecast Total Hours)(Budget Hours)) ÷ (Budget Hours) × 100

End Date

Displays the activity or project end date. If the list is summarized by activity, this is the activity's end date. If the list is summarized by project, this is the project's end date.

Forecast to Complete Date

Displays the completion date estimate from the forecasting table FC_TIME_DTL for the forecast horizon that was most recently completed.

Variance (Days)

Displays the difference (in days) between the end date and estimate to complete date. Negative values indicate that completion is ahead of schedule and positive values indicate the number of days that the project is behind schedule.

Use the Forecast to Complete Variance - Graphical View page (PC_EA_ETC_ANL2) to uses search criteria from Forecast to Complete Variance page to display graphical view of project time and date variance data.


Click the Graphical View link on the Forecast to Complete Variance page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Forecast To Complete Variance - Graphical View page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Forecast To Complete Variance - Graphical View page

Field or Control


Chart Selection

Select one of the following chart options and click the Draw Chart button to display the chart.

% Variance Hours by Project: Displays a bar chart of budget versus forecast hours percent variance.

Project Status Breakdown: Displays a pie chart of projects classified by status.

Project Type Breakdown: Displays a pie chart of projects classified by type.

Variance Days by Project: Displays a bar chart of estimate to complete date variance.

Detail View

Click this link to access the Forecast To Complete Variance page, which displays the list of projects and corresponding variance data that are charted.