Budget Checking Transactions in Commitment Control

Page Name

Definition Name


Load Transactions Page


Run the Load Third-Party Transactions process to send transactions to the Project Transaction table from the Project Transaction Interface table after they are budget checked against Commitment Control journal rows.

Review Commitment Control Page


Fix Commitment Control errors, update the Commitment Control distribution status to New, and rerun the Load Third-Party Transactions process to load the corrected transactions.

Use the Review Commitment Control page (PC_KK_INTFC_EXCEPT) to fix Commitment Control errors, update the Commitment Control distribution status to New, and rerun the Load Third-Party Transactions process to load the corrected transactions.


Project Costing > Budgeting > Review Commitment Control > Review Commitment Control

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Review Commitment Control page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Review Commitment Control page

Review the Commitment Control error messages and make corrections as required.

Note: If you change any ChartField, ledger, ledger group, or budget item value on this page for transactions that originate in Projects Budgeting (system source of PCB), the system updates the corresponding fields on this page with the new value on rows that contain the same value of project business unit, project, activity, budget item, and sequence number. For example, if you change the Category ChartField value on the first row from blank to Cost, the Category value changes to Cost for other rows in the grid that contain the same project business unit, project, activity, budget item, and sequence number.

Field or Control


Send to Commitment Control

Click to initiate the PC_WRAPPER Application Engine process for the corresponding interface ID. The PC_WRAPPER process contains the Load Third-Party Transactions process, Project Costing to Commitment Control process, and the Budget Processor. Prior to sending the transactions back through the Security and Budget Processor, the system resets the Commitment Control distribution status, Project Costing distribution status, and budget header status to N (new).


The Exceptions tab displays the activity, budget item, sequence number, amount, and error that are associated with the budget row. Modify the Foreign Amount field as required.

Field or Control


Drill to Source

Click to access the Budget Detail page for the budget plan if the entry originated in Projects Budgeting. Click Drill to Source to access the Transaction List page if the transaction originated from Grants Budgeting or the Add Transactions page. Click Return to Review Commitment Control to return to the Review Commitment Control page.

Header Details

Click to access the Commitment Control PC Budget Exceptions page in a new browser window. Close the new browser window to return to the Review Commitment Control page.

Line Details

Click to access the Commitment Control PC Line Exceptions page in a new browser window. Close the new browser window to return to the Review Commitment Control page.

Budget Plan

Click to access the Budget Plan page for the project.

Projects Detail

On the Projects Detail tab, you can modify the project ChartField values for the source type, category, subcategory, and other resource-related information.

Field or Control


Projects Distribution Status

Displays the Project Costing distribution status. Values are:

Not Distributed (N): The new transaction row is created in Projects Budgeting but is not distributed to the Project Transaction table.

Distributed (D): The Projects Budgeting transaction row is distributed to the Project Transaction table.

Transaction ID

Displays the transaction ID that the system creates during the Project Costing to Commitment Control process.

Commitment Control Detail

Field or Control


Budget Header Status

Displays the budget checking header status. Values are

Error (E): The transaction failed the budget posting process.

Valid (V): The transaction passed budget checking and posted correctly.

Not Chk'd (not checked) (N): The Budget Processor has not processed the transaction.

Commitment Control Status

Displays the Commitment Control distribution status. Values are:

Budget Check (B): System processing status that the Project Costing to Commitment Control process assigns to indicate that the budget is budget checked.

Budget Create (C): System processing status that the Project Costing to Commitment Control process assigns to indicate that the budget is created.

Distributed (D): System processing status that the Project Costing to Commitment Control process assigns to indicate that the budget is distributed in Commitment Control.

Posting Error (E): The transaction encountered an error during the Project Costing to Commitment Control process.

Security Error (S): The transaction encountered an error during the Project Costing to Commitment Control process due to improper security.

Set Options

Click to access the Set Options page, where you can view budget ChartFields and modify budget status and budget control options.

Note: This button is only enabled when the ledger group is a Commitment Control type ledger group.

See Defining Control Budget Attributes.