Calculating Percent Complete

Page Name

Definition Name


Calculate Percent Complete Page


Specify run control parameters and run the Percent Complete Application Engine process (PC_PERCENT) to calculate project progress expressed as a percentage of the complete project.

Use the Calculate Percent Complete page (PC_PERCENT) to specify run control parameters and run the Percent Complete Application Engine process (PC_PERCENT) to calculate project progress expressed as a percentage of the complete project.


Project Costing > Utilities > Calculate Percent Complete > Calculate Percent Complete

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Calculate Percent Complete page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Calculate Percent Complete page

The Percent Complete field displays a project's progress at various levels of a project, and it is updated by the Percent Complete process. This process runs automatically when you change activity durations from these pages:

  • Project Definitions - General Information page

  • Activity Definitions - General Information page

  • Project Activities page

When you save one of these pages, the Percent Complete process updates the Percent Complete field values that appear on these pages.

The methods for calculating percent complete are specified at the business unit level on the Project Costing Options page, and can be overridden at the project level on the Project Costing Definition page.