Creating Projects from Copies

Page Name

Definition Name


Copy Project Page


Create a new project or update an existing project by copying information from an existing project.

Copy Project PageC


Create new projects by copying information from existing projects.

Use the Copy Project page (PC_CPY_DETL_PNL1) to create a new project or update an existing project by copying information from an existing project.


  • Select Project Costing > Project Definitions > Define Project General Info. Click Copy Project on any Project General component page.

  • Select a create type of Project from Copy on the General Information - Add a New Value page.

  • Select Project Costing > Utilities > Copy Project > Copy Project

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Copy Project page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Copy Project page

Field or Control


Copy Options

Select a copy option. Available values are based on the options that are selected on the Copy Template Option 1 page for the business unit. For example, if Allow Project Copy is selected and Allow Activity Copy is deselected on the Copy Template Option 1 page, the only copy option that is available on the Copy Project page is Copy Project Only. If Allow Project Copy and Allow Activity Copy are both selected, you can select from these options:

ACTV: Copy the activity only. This is the only valid option if the target project is an existing project. The Project to Copy Start Date field value is displayed for this option.

BOTH: Copy the project and all activities. The Project to Copy Start Date field value is displayed for this option.

PROJ: Copy the project only. The Project to Copy Start Date field value is displayed for this option.

Project to Copy

Select the source project from which to create the new project. The project description and start date are displayed for the source project. You can select from any transactional project to which you have access in the project business unit.

Project to Copy Start Date

Displays the selected source project start date.

Update Tree

This group box appears for you to enter the tree name, tree effective date, and parent node for the target project if the Update Project Tree option is selected on the Copy Template Option 1 page for the business unit.

Target Project

Enter the name of the new project. Enter NEXT for the system to assign the next sequential project ID.

If you access the Copy Project page from the Project General component, you can enter an existing project as a target project only if you enter ACTV in the Copy Options field. Also for this option the new start date that is populated cannot be edited.

New Start Date

New start date is populated for the target project. The new start date can be edited for Copy Options, BOTH and PROJ. The target project’s new start date and the source project’s duration will be used to calculate the target project’s end date.

Copy Analysis Group

Specify the analysis group that the system uses for mapping transactions from the existing project activity to the new project activity. You can enter an analysis group if you allow transactions to be copied to the target project.

You cannot enter an analysis group if either of these conditions exist:

  • The Allow Transactions Copy option is not selected on the Copy Template Option 1 page, which indicates that you cannot copy transactions from existing projects to new projects.

  • Commitment Control is enabled for Project Costing on the Installation Options - Products page, which indicates that you can copy only nontransactional data on this page.

The system copies only the rows with an analysis type that is in the selected analysis group. Project Costing delivers the COPY analysis group as system data, but you can use any analysis group. If you use the delivered COPY analysis group, the system selects rows with analysis types of ACT (Actual Cost), CAC (Cost Sharing Actuals), and PAY (Time and Labor Actual), and maps them to rows with a BUD (Total Cost Budget) analysis type. This means that actual cost rows are selected from the existing project and created as cost budget rows in the new project.

Note: If you perform a project copy by using the COPY analysis group and create rows with a BUD analysis type, the BUD rows are inserted directly into the Project Costing transaction table; however, a budget is not created in Projects Budgeting.

Reuse Activity

Select to create new activities using the same IDs as the existing project's activities. If this check box is not selected then the system will auto-assign the activity using NEXT1, NEXT2, etc.; however, you can then change the activity.

Select All Activities

Select to copy all activities from the existing project to the new project. The system selects the Allow Copying check box for all activities in the Activities grid. If the selected source project has dependencies the Select All Activities check box will be selected and disabled so that the user cannot modify the value. This ensures that the source project dependencies are enforced in the target project.

Project Resource

Select check box to include the project resource details. If this check box is selected for the Copy Options PROJ then the Activity Resource check box is disabled. However for Copy Options BOTH the Activity Resource check box is also selected when you select this check box and for Copy Options ACTV this check box is disabled.

Activity Resource

Select check box to include the activity resource details. This check box is enabled for Copy Options BOTH and ACTV. For Copy Options BOTH, selecting this check box will also select Project Resource check box and it will be disabled to prevent user from deselecting it. You have to first uncheck the Activity Resource check box to re-enable the Project Resource check box.

Project Budget

Select check box to include the project budget. This check box is enabled only if the source project has an active budget.

Allow Transactions Copy

Displays the setting for the Allow Transactions Copy option on the Copy Template Option 1 page. If this option is enabled on the Business Unit Copy Template Option 1 page, selecting this check box will copy the transactions from the source project.

Update Transaction Dates

Displays the setting for the Update Transaction Dates.

This option is available only if the Allow Transaction Copy check box is selected. Select the Update Transaction Dates check box to update the transaction and accounting dates based on the New Start Date.


Click to copy the existing project values to the new project. While copying the system checks for inactive resources and also if the budget periods exists for the new project date.


Field or Control


WBS ID (work breakdown structure identifier)

Displays the selected source project activity’s WBS ID.

The Project Copy process will sequentially renumber the WBS ID if the user chooses to copy only few activities.


Displays the activities in the existing project that are available to be copied to the new project.

Allow Copying

Select to copy the corresponding activity to the new project. If the selected source project has dependencies the Select All Activities check box will be selected and disabled so that the user must copy all the activities. The Allow Copying check box will also be selected and disabled for the user to make any changes. This ensures that the source project dependencies are enforced in the target project.


Enter an ID for each activity that will be copied to the new project. If you select the Reuse Activity option, this column displays the existing activity IDs that will be used as the activity IDs in the new project else it will be changed to new activity NEXT1, NEXT2, etc.

See Understanding Work Breakdown Structures.

If you use PeopleSoft Program Management and you create a project from a copy of an existing project, the system copies the project dependencies to the new project. Additionally, if you create a project activity from a copy of an existing project activity, the system copies the activity constraint to the new activity.

See Copying Activities with Constraints.