Updating Project GL Journal Information

This section provides the process to update the Project Costing PROJ_RESOURCE table for transactions originating in Project Costing and sent to General Ledger for posting.

The fiscal year, accounting period and journal date is updated with that used in General Ledger to streamline the monthly reconciliation of transactional data across the Project Costing and General Ledger applications.

Page Name

Definition Name


Update Project GL Journal Info Page


Update the year, period and journal date in Project Costing to match that used in General Ledger.

Use the Update Project GL Journal Info page (RUN_PSA_UPD_JRNL) to update the year, period and journal date in Project Costing to match that used in General Ledger.


Or Project Costing > Accounting > Update Project GL Journal Info

This process can also be accessed from Customer Contracts, for the customers who use Contracts to send transactions to General Ledger.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Update Project GL Journal Info page.

Update Project GL Journal Info

Enter run control parameters for a specific year and period or a range of periods. Transactions in the accounting lines table (CA_ACCTG_LN_PC) with the specified year and period will be evaluated. If the transaction has been journal generated, then the year, period and journal date from the CA_ACCTG_LN_PC table will be used to update the same fields in the project costing PROJ_RESOURCE table.

Note: A single transaction in proj_resource can generate multiple entries in General Ledger. For the project costing transaction to qualify for update, it must have generated entries with only one year, period and journal date. If a single transaction in proj_resource created entries posted with multiple years, periods or journal dates, then it will not be updated.

Transactions generated in prior years and periods can be updated by running the process with the older dates.

The message log in process monitor displays the number of rows updated for each of the 3 fields.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Message Log in process monitor page.

Message Log