Viewing and Managing Compressed Data

Page Name

Definition Name


Project Compression Tracking Page


View the details of the Compress Project Data process.

The Project Compression Log page serves two purposes:

  • It is a log of every compression run that displays the run date and run parameters used.

  • It allows the user to perform actions on the compressed data, such as: archiving, purging, restoring, and rolling back compressed data.

Use the Project Compression Tracking page (PC_COMPRESS_LOG) to view the details of the Compress Project Data process.


Project Costing > Utilities > Compress Project Data. Click the Project Compression Tracking link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Project Compression Tracking . You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Project Compression Tracking

Project Compression Tracking: Details tab

Use this page to view process details.

Field or Control


Compress ID

Displays the system-generated compression ID.

Run Date

Displays the date and time at which the compression run took place.


Displays the current status of the data from a compression run or an action. Valid values are:

  • Archived: The data that was compressed has been removed from history and is located in the archive tables.

  • In History: The data that was compressed is located in the history tables.

  • Purged: The data that was compressed has been deleted from the history tables.

  • Restored: The data that was compressed has been restored to the project transaction table.

Project Compression Tracking: More Details tab

This page displays additional details from the compression run, such as analysis group and contract ID, if specified. In addition, users can view the SQL used if the Compress Project Data process used customized SQL text.

Field or Control


View SQL

Click this icon to access the Project Compression Tracking - Custom SQL (PC_CMPRESS_LOG_SEC) page. This page displays the customized where clause for the compression ID.

Note: This icon is only available if a customized SQL was used on the Compress Project Data run control page.

Project Compression Tracking: Actions tab

Field or Control


View History

Click an active link to access the Transaction Detail History page for the compressed row. This link is active when the status is In History, and it opens a new window when activated.


Select an action that can be performed on the compressed data. If the status is Purged or Restored, then no options are available. If the status is In History or Archived, then these options are available:

  • Archive: Available when the status is In History.

    When selecting this action, the PSARCHIVE process moves rows from the history tables (PROJ_RES_ARCH and PROJ_SUM_ARCH) to the archive tables (PROJ_RES_ARCH_H and PROJ_SUM_ARCH_H). The compression status is updated to Archived.

    Note: The View History link is not available after this action is performed, and no pages are delivered to view archived data.

  • Purge: Available when the status is In History.

    When selecting this action, the system deletes all rows from the history detail (PROJ_RES_ARCH) and the history summary (PROJ_SUM_ARCH) tables for the selected compression ID. The compression status is updated to Purged. The summarized data is still available in the PROJ_RESOURCE table.

    Note: The View History link is not available after this action is performed.

  • Restore: Available when the status is In History.

    Note: The View History link is not available after this action is performed.

    When selecting this action, the compression process is reversed. The Restore (PC_RESTORE) process performs these tasks:

    • Deletes summary rows from the project transaction (PROJ_RESOURCE) table.

    • Moves the detail rows from the history (PROJ_RES_ARCH) tables and inserts them into the project transaction (PROJ_RESOURCE) table.

    • Deletes the detail and summary rows from the history (PROJ_RES_ARCH and PROJ_SUM_ARCH) tables.

    • Updates the compression status to Restored.

  • Rollback: Available when the status is Archived.

    When selecting this action, the archive process is reversed. The PSARCHIVE application engine moves rows from the archive (PROJ_RES_ARCH_H and PROJ_SUM_ARCH_H) tables to the history (PROJ_RES_ARCH and PROJ_SUM_ARCH) tables. The compression status is updated to In History.

    Note: The View History link is available after this action is performed.


Click to initiate the selection in the Action field.