Defining Security Deposit Types

To define security deposit types, use the Security Deposit Types component (RE_SECURITIES).

This topic provides an overview of security deposit types and discusses how to define security deposit types.

Page Name

Definition Name


Security Deposit Types Page


Define security deposit types.

Using the security deposit type enables the system to track whether the security deposit is a bank guarantee, cash, or prepaid. Security deposit types enable you to track the deposits received and also the interest that is generated by security deposits.

Security deposit types facilitate the processing of security deposits received or paid. By selecting the appropriate category for each security deposit type, the PeopleSoft Lease Administration system determines how the security deposit is handled. There are three security deposit categories: Charge, Guarantee and Prepaid. You can create and assign a deposit type to categories.

Use the Security Deposit Types page (RE_SCTY_DEP_TYP) to define security deposit types.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Lease Administration > Financial Terms > LA Security Deposit Types

Field or Control



Select a category from this list of values:

Charge: The security deposit has been received for a receivables lease or paid by for a payables lease and the status of the deposit is pending .

Guarantee: Bank guarantee or letter of credit issued by a bank. No processing occurs; cash is not collected.

Prepaid: Tracks prepaid security deposits paid through PeopleSoft Payables prior to lease activation. These deposits are treated as cash during deposit refund.