Posting Straightline Entries

This topic provides an overview of posting straightline accounting entries and discusses how to post straightline entries.

Page Name

Definition Name


Post Straightline Entries Page


Enter the run control parameters and run the process to insert data into the journal interface tables for the selected period.

You must run the Journal Generator in PeopleSoft General Ledger to post the transactions to the ledger.

To post straightline entries to the journal staging table, you must run the Post Straightline Entries Application Engine process (RE_STGL_POST). The posting process uses the general ledger journal template defined at the Lease Administration business unit setup and loads a Journal Generator staging table in preparation for the Journal Generator process. You can post only one period at a time. Once the posting process is complete, the accounting entries are loaded into the Journal Generator staging table (RE_STLINE_GL). You need to run Journal Generator so the data can be posted into the general ledger.

See Understanding Journal Generator.

Use the Post Straightline Entries page (RE_STGL_RUNCNTL) to enter the run control parameters and run the process to insert data into the journal interface tables for the selected period.


Lease Administration > Integrations > Post Straight Line Entries

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Post Straightline Entries page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Post Straightline Entries page

Field or Control


LA Business Unit (Lease Administration Business Unit)

Select the Lease Administration business unit to post your transactions. If you do not select a business unit, the system will process all business units.

Accounting Date

Select the date of the accounting entry recognized in the general ledger (system date or the run date).

Fiscal Year

Select the fiscal year you want to post your transaction.

Accounting Period

Select the accounting period (period in which transactions can be posted) of the transactions you want to post to the journal staging table.