Setting Up Basic Security

PeopleSoft applications provide basic access and data security. Access to PeopleSoft applications is implemented through the use of user IDs, roles, and permission lists. Data security is implemented through SetIDs. To learn more about access and data security, refer to the relevant section in the PeopleSoft Application Fundamentals documentation.

In addition to the basic security infrastructure, the PeopleSoft Lease Administration product provides a number of extra security features that enable you to limit certain activities to specific job roles. PeopleSoft Lease Administration provides two features to help you manage roles and responsibilities: role types and lease administration roles.

Role Types

Role types enable you to define any number of job roles. These job roles are categorized as either internal or external roles:

  • An internal role is assigned to users who can sign in to the application enter and update lease information.

  • An external role is assigned to users who perform a task within the lease administration process.

    These users do not have sign-in access. An external role can be a service employee, supplier, tenant, and so on.

The four role type categories are:

  • Internal Administrator: A person who performs day-to-day operational activities associated with adding, updating, and maintaining lease information.

  • Internal Manager: A person who performs day-to-day operational activities, in addition to general operational duties, and might be required to approve certain activities such as activating a lease or approving a transaction.

  • External Contact: A person, such as a service employee, whom you want to track as a contact.

  • Principal Contact: A person or organization that is associated with a lease.

When you define a new role type, you can use any name for that role type. However, you must assign a category to that role type. For example, the person who performs lease maintenance in your organization in one region might be known as a lease administrator while another region might refer to this job role as a contract manager. You can define both role types and designate them as internal administrators.

Lease Administration Roles

Lease administration roles associate application users defined by the base PeopleSoft security architecture with specific lease administration job roles. After you define your lease administration roles, you can modify the PeopleSoft Lease Administration application to limit certain activities based on the role type category of the user who is signed on.

Automated Workflow Engine Roles

With release 9.1 the users can also define their own roles and define workflows based on the Approval Workflow Engine. The users need to change the Approval definitions provided to add their own roles based on their business process These are the list of features supported by AWE:

  • Lease state changes

  • Sales amount monitoring

  • Operating expense monitoring

  • Transaction Queue monitoring

  • Clause monitoring

  • Critical date monitoring

  • Site acquisition request approvals

  • Site acquisition finalization

PeopleSoft Lease Administration delivers the following predefined roles and associated members for the Automated Workflow Engine process:


Default Member

RE_APPROVER - This role is provided for the Lease Management Review and Approval Process.


SITE_ADMIN - This role is provided for Site Acquisition approvers.


SAR_FINALIST - This role is provided for Site Acquisition finalists.


Automated Workflow Engine Process Definitions

PeopleSoft Lease Administration delivers the following predefined process definitions for the Automated Workflow Engine process:

Process Name

Process Definition


Default User


Lease state changes




Route for Review

Sales amount monitoring




Route for Approval

Audit expense monitoring




Route for Approval

Transaction queue monitoring




Route for Review

Lease clause monitoring




Route for Review

Critical date monitoring




Route for Review

SAR approval




Route for Approval

Finalist sites




Route for Approval