Component Interface Permissions

Component interfaces enable the use of PeopleSoft components (sets of pages grouped for a business purpose) for synchronous access from another application. Component interfaces encapsulate PeopleSoft data and business processes, and they hide the details of the underlying pages and data. You can use component interfaces to integrate a PeopleSoft application with other PeopleSoft applications or with external systems, such as systems written in Java , C/C++, Visual Basic, and XML.

Component interfaces are also used by PeopleSoft Resource Management application messages on the application server and by application engines on the Process Scheduler server.

Note: Refer to the documentation on enterprise integration points (EIPs) for a list of component interfaces that you can use to create custom interfaces to other applications.

See PeopleSoft Enterprise Integration Technologies.

Component Interfaces Used by PeopleSoft Resource Management

Certain pages in PeopleSoft Resource Management depend on the functionality of component interfaces. Component interface security is managed independently of page security. In order for a page to function properly, the user must have access to the page and to any component interfaces used by the page. For simplicity, PeopleSoft Resource Management grants all users access to all Resource Management component interfaces. System security is managed by allowing or restricting access to specific PeopleSoft Resource Management pages based on user roles.

These are the component interfaces that PeopleSoft Resource Management pages use:

Component Interface




Resource Management Factors

Assigns a new factor ID to newly created factors and includes the factor in forward and reverse searches.


Create Project

Creates a new project (either using auto-numbering or using a specified project ID) from a service order, using the business unit on the service order for the project.


Resource Profile

Updates or deletes the work history on the resource profile.


Create and Get Assignment

Creates an assignment using NEXT as the assignment ID until the assignment is saved. At that time, the assignment is auto-numbered. Retrieves an existing assignment for modification.

This component interface is used by the Staffing Workbench and integration with PeopleSoft Program Management, Project Costing, Maintenance Management, and Services Procurement.


Populate Scope Table

Uses a list of tree nodes or detail values to determine the data that populates the Scope table (RS_DF_SCOPE_W). This is used only for PeopleSoft Resource Management reports.


Clear Scope Table

Takes a session ID and clears the Scope table.


Convert Person to Resource

Converts PeopleSoft Services Procurement service providers to resources.


Generic Resource Request

Creates generic resource requests in PeopleSoft Program Management.


Load External Demand Data

Used as an interface to import external demand data from Microsoft Excel.


Manage Report Temp Table

Inserts information or deletes information from the temporary reporting table RS_2010EMPL_TMP.


Resource Management Schedule

Creates a new appointment using NEXT as the new appointment ID (auto-numbered). Retrieves an existing appointment for modification.

This component interface is also used to create and update assignment entries on the resource schedule.


Service Order Save As

Saves the existing service order as a new service order with the NEXT service order ID (auto-numbered). The system copies data from the existing service order into the new service order.


Service Order Template

Creates service orders from the service order template.


Establish Employee as Resource

Establishes an employee as a resource. This is used in the integration with PeopleSoft Services Procurement when converting a service provider to a resource.


Maintain Resource Eligibility

Manages dates of resource eligibility that are used in the integration with PeopleSoft Services Procurement when creating an assignment for a service provider.

Component Interfaces Used by Server Processes

These component interfaces must be included in a permission list that is associated with the user ID that is used to run the application server or Process Scheduler server:

Component Interface




Populate Scope Table

Uses a list of tree nodes or detail values to determine the data that populates the Scope table (RS_DF_SCOPE_W). This is used only for PeopleSoft Resource Management reports.


Clear Scope Table

Takes a session ID and clears the Scope table.


Resource Management Schedule

Creates a new appointment using NEXT as the new appointment ID (auto-numbered). Retrieves an existing appointment for modification.

This component interface is also used to create and update assignment entries on the resource schedule.