Configuring NonDepartment Organizational Units

This topic discusses how to configure nondepartment organization units.

Page Name

Definition Name


Installation Options - Resource Management Page


Modify the organization field name, unit record, tree name, or employee organization record name as required.

Defining Resource Management Installation Options

The PeopleSoft system comes with the Employee-Organization record (RS_ORGEMPLBR_VW) to keep track of the organizational unit to which each resource belongs. The Employee-Organization record is a view of the Job record that identifies the department for every employee. The Job record is the PeopleSoft HCM record that identifies the department, location, job code, and a variety of other attributes for every employee in the organization. If the organizational field is Department (DEPTID), you can use the Employee-Organization record as delivered.

If you cannot use the delivered Employee-Organization record, you must either modify the definition and SQL text of the Employee-Organization record, or use a different record. The Employee-Organization record does not need to be a view. The minimum requirements for a valid Employee-Organization record are:

  • The record is keyed by the employee ID (EMPLID) of the resource.

  • The record includes the resource's organization unit in the appropriate organization unit field, such as Department or Location Code (LOCATION).

  • (Optional) The record includes the SetID of the resource's organization unit in the Set Control field (SETCNTRLVALUE).

    This is required if the organizational unit record is keyed by SetID, such as the Departments record (DEPT_TBL). Some organizational units, such as supervisor ID, may not have an organizational unit record that is keyed by SetID.

  • The record contains rows for all resources.

The Employee-Organization record can have more than one row per resource, provided that the correct row to use can be identified at any given time. You can use multiple rows per resource by using additional key fields in the record. PeopleSoft Resource Management supports the use of the following additional key fields:

  • Employee Record Number field (EMPL_RCD)

    If there are multiple rows in the Employee-Organization table for a given resource, each with a different employee record number, you use only the row with the employee record number that is defined for the resource in PeopleSoft Resource Management.

  • Effective Date (EFFDT)

    If there are multiple rows in the Employee-Organization table for a given resource, each with a different effective date, you typically use only the row that is current. The effective date companion status field—Employee Status (EMPL_STATUS)—is also supported. This field is used to indicate active or inactive employees.

  • Effective Sequence Number (EFFSEQ)

    If there are multiple rows in the Employee-Organization table for a given resource, each with a different effective sequence number, you use only the row with the maximum effective sequence number. If you use effective dating, use only the row with the maximum effective sequence number within the same effective date row.

The record must not contain any other key fields.

If you change the organizational unit field, record, or tree, you must modify the values in the Organizational Structure definition on the Installation Options - Resource Management page.

This table lists the fields and delivered values in the Organizational Structure definition:


Delivered Value

Organization Field Name


Organizational Unit Record


Organization Structure Tree Name


Employee - Organization Record


Use PeopleSoft Application Designer to modify the Organization Field Name (ORG_FIELDNAME) if required. Change the Long Name field and the Short Name field of the label ID (ORG_LABEL) to reflect the new label (for example, Location and Loc).

The Organizational Tree, Organizational Unit Description SQL definition (RS_ORGTREE_DEPT_SQL) joins the organizational unit record to the Employee-Organization record. The Organization Tree Detail SQL definition (RS_ORGDTL_DESCR_SQL) retrieves the organizational unit description.

Use PeopleSoft Application Designer to make these changes to the SQL definition, if required:

  • If the organizational unit record is not keyed by SetID, remove the A.SETID = :4 portion of the Organizational Tree, Organizational Unit Description SQL definition.

    For example, if you select the Supervisor ID field as the organizational unit, remove A.SETID = :4 from the Organizational Tree, Organizational Unit Description SQL definition. The Supervisor ID field is not contained in a record that is also keyed by SetID.

  • If the Description field is not used to store the organizational unit's title or name, modify the A.DESCR portion of the Organizational Tree, Organizational Unit Description SQL definition and the Organization Tree Detail SQL definition.

    For example, if the Supervisor ID field is selected as the organizational unit, manager names can be stored in the Name field (NAME) on the Personal Data record (PERSONAL_DATA). Therefore, change the value A.DESCR to the value A.NAME.

If the Description field is not used to store the organizational unit's title or name, use PeopleSoft Application Designer to make these changes to the PeopleCode, if required:

  • Modify the RS_INSTALL_WRK.FIND_OBJECTS_PB.FieldChange PeopleCode program. Change the first parameter in the function call resolve_wildcard( ) from Field.DESCR to the field name that stores the organizational unit's title, description, or name.

  • Modify the function ManageTree( ) function in the FUNCLIB_RS.TREE_NAME.FieldFormula PeopleCode program. Change the field name in this line of code—&NodeDescr = &DtlDescrRec.DESCR.Value;—from DESCR to the field name that stores organizational unit name values. For example, if the NAME field is used to store organizational unit names, because the organizational unit is Supervisor ID, the code is &NodeDescr = &DtlDescrRec.GetField(Field.NAME).value.