Understanding PeopleSoft Resource Management Business Units

This section lists prerequisites and discusses:

  • PeopleSoft Resource Management business units.

  • Project business units.

  • PeopleSoft HCM business units.

Complete these tasks before defining PeopleSoft Resource Management business units:

  1. Establish SetIDs.

  2. Establish record groups.

  3. Define at least one project business unit and project integration template.

  4. Update TableSet controls.

PeopleSoft Resource Management requires that you establish business unit definitions and options. The steps are:

  1. Define the PeopleSoft Resource Management business unit and assign a project integration template.

    You must assign a project integration template to create projects from PeopleSoft Resource Management.

  2. Specify PeopleSoft Resource Management business unit options.

    If you do not integrate with PeopleSoft HCM, the PeopleSoft Resource Management business units populate the HR Business Unit table (BUS_UNIT_TBL_HR).

    If you use PeopleSoft HCM, the HR business units that you set up in PeopleSoft HCM are available to PeopleSoft Resource Management.

You can specify business unit options for service order workflow, assignment approvals, and email notifications for assignment processing.

Service Order Routing and Notification Workflow

Service order workflow options control service order routing and notification features. Each service order is keyed by a business unit. PeopleSoft Resource Management determines which set of business unit options to use for a given service order by looking up the SetID associated with the service order's business unit. Service orders that belong to one business unit can use different service order workflow options than service orders that belong to another business unit.

Assignment Approval

Assignment approval options use workflow to control resource assignment.

Each assignment is associated with a project business unit. PeopleSoft Resource Management determines which set of business unit options to use for a given assignment by looking up the SetID that is associated with the assignment's business unit. Assignments that belong to one business unit can use different assignment approval options than assignments that belong to another business unit.

When you require resource manager approval, assignments are subject to approval by either a supervisor or a pool manager. If you manage your resources using resource pools, select approval by pool manager and ensure your pools are set up with a pool manager.

Note: For all resources, you must enter a supervisor on the Update Employee Data - Employee Job page before you can send assignments for approval or notification to the supervisor.

Assignment Processing Email Notification

Email notification options define the routing of email notifications during assignment processing. You can specify whether the resource, resource's manager (either the pool manager or supervisor), and project manager are notified when a resource's schedule or assignment status changes. You can also select the statuses that trigger the assignment status change notification.

Generic Resource Approval

You can set up an option to require the pool manager to approve status and date changes on generic resource requests that you create from PeopleSoft Program Management.

Generic Resource Email Notification

You can specify whether the pool manager and project manager are notified when a generic resource request's status changes, and you can select the statuses that trigger the status change notification. You can also specify whether the pool manager is notified when a generic resource request's schedule changes.

In PeopleSoft Resource Management, the Project Business Unit field (BUSINESS_UNIT) is used to determine the list of valid projects and customers that you can associate with an assignment or service order. It also controls workflow and assignment approval options. You must establish a project business unit regardless of whether you install PeopleSoft Project Costing or Program Management. If the organization has already created project business units, PeopleSoft Resource Management can use them as defined.

You must also specify a project integration template. Integration templates are used in PeopleSoft Resource Management when you create a project from the Service Order component (RS_SERVICE_ORDER).

In PeopleSoft Resource Management, the system uses the HR business unit to associate resources with organizational units. Even if you don't integrate with PeopleSoft HCM, you must establish HR business units.

When you implement PeopleSoft Resource Management with PeopleSoft HCM, you create a system of business unit and SetID functionality that matches the way you manage processes related to both resources and HR. The system must also handle the integration issues of using multiple applications.

If you are defining the business organization for PeopleSoft Resource Management and PeopleSoft HCM for the first time, you must establish business units and SetIDs for both applications.

If the organization uses PeopleSoft HCM to manage employee data, consider using the same business units in the Financials database and the HCM database. A one-to-one correlation between PeopleSoft HCM and PeopleSoft Resource Management business units simplifies organizational structure, business rules, and processing.