Processing Bank Statement Addenda

This topic describes how to process the bank statement addenda after creating a map definition to parse data.

Page Name

Definition Name


Assign Addenda Parse ID Page


Associate a specific map ID with one or more bank accounts.

Parse Statement Addenda Page


Run processing to parse the bank statement addenda by bank and bank account.

Use the Assign Addenda Parse ID page (BNK_STMT_MAP_ID) to associate a specific map ID with one or more bank accounts.


Banking > Administer Reconciliation > Assign Addenda Parse ID

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Assign Addenda Parse ID page. The fields populated here show setup to parse bank statements for the entered bank and bank account, using the assigned map ID.

Assign Addenda Parse ID page

You can parse addenda on bank statements for these bank and bank account combinations:

Field or Control


All Banks

To parse addenda on bank statements for all banks, enter a map ID in the first row of the Map Definition grid and leave the bank information fields blank.

The system uses the assigned map ID to parse bank statements for all bank accounts across all banks.

All Bank Accounts of One Bank

To parse addenda on bank statements for all bank accounts of a given bank, add a row in the Map Definition grid and populate the Bank SetID, Bank Code, and Map ID fields.

The system uses the assigned map ID to parse bank statements for all bank accounts of the specified bank.

One Bank Account

To parse addenda on bank statements for one bank account of a specific bank, add a row in the Map Definition grid and populate the Bank SetID, Bank Code, Bank Account, and Map ID fields.

The system uses the assigned map ID to parse bank statements for that bank account.

Leave field values on this page blank if you do not want to parse addenda on bank statements.

Use the Parse Statement Addenda page (ADDENDA_PARSE_REQ) to run processing to parse the bank statement addenda by bank and bank account.


Banking > Reconcile Statements > Parse Statement Addenda

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Parse Statement Addenda page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Parse Statement Addenda Page

Field or Control


Process All Accounts

Select the check box to submit the Parse Statement Addenda process for all bank accounts to which the user has access. The access to bank accounts can be granted using the Financial Gateway security feature.

External Bank ID

Enter the external bank ID.

Bank Account # (bank account number)

Enter the bank account number.

Bank Statement Type

Select from Current Day or Previous Day.

Statement ID

Enter a statement ID for this bank and bank account.

Date Type

Select from Relative Dates or Specific Dates. Date options are available when the Statement ID field is not populated. The date type allows users to specify a dynamic or static date range. For a static date range, provide the from date and to date. For a dynamic date range, specify a Days Back value.