Common Elements Used to Reconcile Statements

Field or Control


Load Date and Time

Displays the date and time that the bank file was loaded.

Recon Status (reconciliation status)

Identifies the status of a transaction in the reconciliation process. The status can be either Reconciled, Unreconciled, or a number of other statuses that indicate why a transaction did not reconcile successfully.

Trans Code (transaction code) or Transaction Type

Identifies the type of transaction in a bank statement:

ACH: Automatic Clearing House

B: Direct Debit

BOE: Bill of Exchange - Disburse

BOO: Bill of Order - Disburse

CHK: Check

DD: Direct Debit - Disburse

D: Deposits

EFT: Electronic Funds Transfer

F: Fee Expense

G: General Transaction

I: Interest Expense

M: Miscellaneous Transaction

MAN: Manual Check

P: Payment

R: Drafts

S: Stop Payment

U: Funding Receipt

V: Voided Payment

WIR: Wire - Disbursement

Transaction Date

Displays the date on which the transaction was "cleared" by the bank. This is the date used for the date matching part of reconciliation.

Value Date

Displays the date on which the bank recorded the transaction.