Setting up Password Control

Page Name

Definition Name


Password Control Page


Setup password control.

Setup Password Hints Page


Define questions that can be used to authenticate the user who requests a password resent using the Forgot Password option.

Use the Password Control page (FO_PWD_CONFIG) to setup password control.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Staffing > Resources > Setup Password Control

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Password Control page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Setup Password Control page

Password Control

Field or Control



Select this check box to activate the password control. When you deselect this check box, the password control is not applicable and the settings are unavailable.

This check box also controls the Account Lockout settings and Secret Question settings for Forgot Password.

Password Strength

Field or Control


Minimum Length

Enter the minimum number of characters for a password. When you specify the minimum length for a password, you must take into consideration that the password length is inclusive of the special characters, digits, lowercase letters, and uppercase letters.

Special Characters

Enter the minimum number of special characters for a password. You can use these special characters:

! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + \ |[ ] {} ; : / ? . > <


Enter the minimum number of digits (numbers) to include in a password.


Enter the minimum number of uppercase letters to include in a password.


Enter the minimum number of lowercase letters to include in a password.

Password Expiry

Field or Control



Select this option if you do not want a password to expire.


Select to enable password expiry. Enter an expiration period in terms of days.

Account Lock

Field or Control



Select to activate the account lock-out feature. This functionality enables you to lock the applicants out of their Staffing Apply Online accounts after a certain number of failed logon attempts, or on incorrect answers to a secret question.

Failed Attempts

Enter a number for failed logon attempts that are allowed before an account is locked. This number must be greater than zero.

Secret Question

Field or Control



Select to set a requirement for an applicant to answer a secret question when requesting help with a forgotten password. The applicant must answer the question correctly before the system sends a temporary password.

Failed Attempts

Enter the number for incorrect answers that are allowed before an account is locked. This number must be greater than zero.

Use the Setup Password Hints page (FO_PWD_SECRET_Q) to define questions that can be used to authenticate the user who requests a password resent using the Forgot Password option.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Staffing > Resources > Setup Password Hints

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Setup Password Hints page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Setup Password Hints

Field or Control


Secret Question Active?

Select to make the question available to applicants when they choose a secret question. At least one secret question must be active when secret question functionality is enabled.

Deselect to make the question unavailable without deleting it.

Secret Question

Enter the text for a question.