Defining Market Rates

Much of the PeopleSoft software approach to market rates and currency conversion is driven by the need to accommodate business practices related to the European Common Currency (euro). In addition to currency exchange rates, PeopleSoft software supports the many types of global market rates, such as interest rates, stock exchange indexes, and economic indicators. To define market rates use components, Market Rate Index (MARKET_RATE_INDEX), Market Rate Type (RT_TYPE_TBL) and Market Rate Definition (MARKET_RATE_DEF).

This section discusses how to define market rate indexes, market rate types and market rate tolerances.

Page Name

Definition Name


Market Rate Index Page


Describe the indexes for which you are to track rates. Typical market rate indexes include LIBOR, Bloomberg foreign exchange, and Reuters foreign exchange. An index categorizes the various market rates that you track.

Rate Type Page


Define rate types that further categorize market rates. Rate types include current, commercial, floating, average, and historical.

Market Rate Definition Page


Define tolerance limits for rates and determine what action occurs if a new rate falls outside the tolerance limit. The fields on this page differ according to the rate category of the market rate index.

Use the Market Rate Index page (RT_INDEX_TBL) to describe the indexes for which you are to track rates.

Typical market rate indexes include LIBOR, Bloomberg foreign exchange, and Reuters foreign exchange. An index categorizes the various market rates that you track.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Market Rates > Market Rate Index > Market Rate Index

Field or Control


Rate Category

Select a rate category from the list. Options include: Commodity Price, Economic Indicator, Exchange Rate, Future Price, Interest Rate, Other, Stock Exchange Index, or Stock Price.

Default Exchange Rate Index

If you are entering Exchange Rate indexes, click the Default Exchange Rate Index check box to indicate which index should be used to retrieve currency exchange rates. You can specify only one index code as the default.

Use the Rate Type page (RT_TYPE_TBL) to define rate types that further categorize market rates.

Rate types include current, commercial, floating, average, and historical.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Market Rates > Market Rate Type > Rate Type

Enter a description and short description to define each market rate type that you use.

Use the Market Rate Definition page (RT_RATE_DEF_TBL) to define tolerance limits for rates and determine what action occurs if a new rate falls outside the tolerance limit.

The fields on this page differ according to the rate category of the market rate index.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Market Rates > Market Rate Definition > Market Rate Definition

Note: The information that appears on this page depends on the type of index that you select. For example, if you select an index with interest rates, interest rate information appears on this page.

Market rate definitions specify the valid term, currency, and other appropriate field combinations for market rates. For example, if you have a market rate definition for an exchange rate with a term of 30, a from currency of CHF, and a to currency of USD, you can enter a rate using this combination in the market rate table. If you do not have a market rate definition, the system creates one for you using the default values.

Field or Control


From Currency Code

Enter the from currency code to populate all From Currency fields with a common currency in the Rate Definition group box using the Refresh button.

Refresh Button

Click the Refresh button to populate the From Currency field entered in the From Currency Code field.


Enter the desired term (expressed in days). A zero term indicates that the spot rate = zero term. Only PeopleSoft Treasury uses non-zero terms; all other applications must use a zero term for spot rate.

From Currency

You can also manually enter the appropriate from currency. This value is used with the to currency value as part of an exchange rate pair. When you use triangulation, include a definition for each of the currency pairs involved in the triangulation.

To Currency

Enter the appropriate to currency. This value is used with the from currency value as part of an exchange rate pair.

Maximum Variance

Indicate the percentage of variance that is allowed when you maintain the market rate. You get an error message if the change exceeds the tolerance. The default value is 2.50 (2.5%).

Error Type

Enter the type of error processing that should occur if the maximum variance is exceeded:

None: No error processing occurs, and the new rate is used even though it exceeds the limit.

Stop: Processing halts, and the system prevents you from saving the new rate.

Warning: This is the default value. A warning appears. You can ignore it and save the new rate.