PeopleSoft Item Reports: A to Z

This topic provides detailed information on individual reports. The reports are listed in alphanumerical order by report ID.

Note: If the Item Status Change process successfully implements all scheduled changes to Inactive status, the Item Status Change Exception report is not generated.

Exceptions can exist on the business unit or the SetID level.

If an item cannot be inactivated at the business unit level, the business unit level report lists all business unit tables where transactions preventing inactivation exist.

Field or Control


Reference to Item Exists in Table

Business unit table that contains a record or transaction that prevents the item from being inactivated. All records or transactions are listed where this item ID still exists.

If an item cannot be inactivated at the SetID level, the SetID report lists the business units where the item has not been successfully inactivated. You cannot inactivate an item at the SetID level until the item has been inactivated at all business units that belong to the SetID.

Field or Control


Business Units Where Item Not Inactive

Business units where the items status has not been successfully changed to Inactive, preventing inactivation at the SetID level.

Field or Control


Include Inactive Items

Select to include items that are restricted to warehouse movement transactions, adjustments, RMA and RTV transactions, and receiving transaction.

For information on Basic Item Listing, see Managing Inventory by Item Status.