Viewing Item Information

This section describes how to view item information.

Page Name

Definition Name


Item Brand Names Page (inquiry)


View brand names that are associated with an item and the periods for which the brand names are valid.

Items - General: Common Page (inquiry)


View the item attributes that are defined on the Define Item - General: Common page.

Items - General: Classifications Page


View the item attributes that are defined on the Define Item - General: Classifications page.

Items - General: Dimensions Page(inquiry)


View the item attributes that are defined on the Define Item - General: Dimensions page.

Items - General: Usage Page (inquiry)


View the item attributes that are defined on the Define Item - General: Usage page.

Items - Inventory: Tracking/Description Page(inquiry)


View the item attributes that are defined on the Define Item - Inventory: Tracking/Description page.

Items - Inventory: Shipping/Handling Page(inquiry)


View the item attributes that are defined on the Define Item - Inventory: Shipping/Handling page.

Items - Substitutes Page(inquiry)


Use the page to view the item attributes that are defined on the Define Item - Substitutes page.

Items - Configuration Page (inquiry)


Use the page to view the item attributes that are defined on the Define Item - Configuration page.

Define Item - Custom1: Character Page (inquiry)


View the item attributes that are defined on the Define Item - Custom1: Character page.

Define Item - Custom1: Numeric Page


View the item attributes that are defined on the Define Item - Custom1: Numeric page.

Define Item - Custom2: Character Page (inquiry)


View the item attributes that are defined on the Define Item - Custom2: Character page.

Define Item - Custom2: Numeric Page


View the item attributes that are defined on the Define Item - Custom2: Numeric page.

Items - Audit (Inquiry) Page


View information about when the item was defined for the SetID and when the SetID definition was last modified.

Catalog - Catalog Inquiry Page


View item information in the purchasing catalogs.

Item Category Detail Page(inquiry)


View details about a selected item, including availability, standard pricing, and lead time.

Item Supplier Priority Page (inquiry)


View Supplier information such as status and priority.

Substitute Items Page(inquiry)


View substitutes that are established for an item.

Default Putaway Locations Page (inquiry)


View all of the default putaway locations for items that are defined by using the Default Putaway Locations page.

Fixed Picking Locations Page (inquiry)


View all of the fixed picking locations that are defined for an item by using the Fixed Picking Locations page.

Use the Items - Audit (inquiry) page (INV_ITEM_HDR_INQ) to view information about when the item was defined for the SetID and when the SetID definition was last modified.


Items > Review Item Information > Review Item SetID Attributes > Audit

Items > Define Items and Attributes > Define Item > Audit

Note: When the item's SetID definition record is approved, the fields that are in the Last Item Approval Change group box are not updated. When the item definition is approved, the item status is set to Active. This group box does not reflect post-approval status updates such as Hold, Inactive, or Discontinue.

Field or Control


Approval Date

Indicates the date that the status in the Item Status Approval field was implemented (that is, the date that the item's SetID definition was set to Under Initialization, Pending Approval, Denied Approval, or Approved).

Approval User ID

Indicates the ID of the user who triggered the status change that is reflected in the Item Status Approval field. For example, for an enterprise that requires manual approval, this field indicates the ID of the person who approved or denied the item definition on the Item Approval page. For an enterprise that automatically approves item definitions, this field indicates the ID of the person who changes the item status from Under Initialization to Pending Approval on the Define Item − General: Common page.