Understanding PeopleSoft ChartField Configuration

Oracle's PeopleSoft applications deliver a full suite of commercial, education, and government functionality and supports it with a comprehensive set of ChartFields. However, you can use ChartField configuration to perform various modifications to these ChartFields to better serve your particular accounting model.

ChartField configuration involves the following major tasks:

  • Analyzing your reporting requirements and determining the ChartFields needed to support them.

  • Completing the Standard ChartField Configuration or, if necessary, the Advanced ChartField Configuration page.

  • Running the ChartField Configuration process to apply your configurations to the system.

  • Performing any manual tasks associated with your configurations.

  • Performing product-specific analysis and ChartField configuration tasks, such as those for PeopleSoft Mobile Time and Expense.

This topic discusses:

  • Checklist for a successful configuration.

  • ChartField configuration and ChartField types.

  • Project ChartFields.

  • ChartField configuration scope and levels.

  • ChartField reporting requirements analysis.

Note: The following instructions assume a high level of competence in PeopleTools and use of Application Designer.

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Application Designer Developer's Guide.

Use this section as a checklist to focus on areas of particular importance and in gathering information needed to plan and perform your ChartField configuration. This section also helps to identify areas where mistakes are commonly made.

Important! Oracle strongly recommends that you read this section and understand the full implications of each point before proceeding with the actual configuration.

Before running the full configuration:

  • Access Oracle's My Oracle Support website for information about configuration of ChartFields for Mobile Time and Expense.

  • If you are upgrading from a previous PeopleSoft release, thoroughly read the Upgrade documentation for your upgrade path—this is critical.

  • Thoroughly read this topic on configuring ChartFields—this is also critical.

  • Get agreement functionally and technically as to how to use each of the delivered ChartFields and which configuration actions are appropriate, such as activate and relabel.

  • Consider taking the ChartField Assessment Fit-Gap Workshop offered by PeopleSoft Global Services.

  • Do not approach ChartField configuration as an iterative process. Thoroughly plan and implement it in a single configuration process if possible.

  • Run the PeopleSoft Full Configuration AE (Application Engine) process (FS_CFCONFIG) before using the system if you make any changes to the Standard Configuration or Advanced Configuration pages. Deselect any unlicensed Project Costing, Expense , Resource Management product, and Services Procurement check boxes on the Installation Options Products page before running the Configure process so that ChartFields related to these products are automatically inactivated and do not appear on pages containing these ChartFields.

  • Do not load new ChartField values (such as Accounts or Departments) until the configuration is complete and indexes have been rebuilt per the Configuration Steps report.

  • Note that objects modified by the full configuration will be reported as changed on Upgrade Compare reports.

    Note: To segregate these changes from your inhouse customizations, create a new user ID that is used only to run the configuration. Objects modified by that configuration user can then be isolated in compares.

  • Before running the process, ensure that your environment has the recommended database settings for ChartField Configuration.

  • If you are set up for multilanguage and plan to relabel or add new ChartFields, sign in using the base language and ensure that the language code on the User Profile page is also set to the base language so that base and foreign language labels are applied accordingly.

  • Ensure that your Structured Query Report (SQR) environment has been configured correctly (PeopleSoft Asset Management installations only).

  • Run SYSAUDIT and verify that all errors have been corrected.

  • Run the Preview Configuration process to preview the manual steps that will be required.

  • Back up your database.

  • Turn off process scheduler traces (TraceAE=0, TraceSQL=0, and TracePC=0 in psprcs.cfg file).

    Turning the trace on can double processing time.

  • Ensure that all users are signed out of the system before running the full configuration process.

    This applies to standard and advanced configuration as explained in this topic.

  • After initiating the full configuration, shut down the app server and monitor the progress of the process using your OS monitor (Task Manager) or the timestamp on the AE logs produced by the process.

After running the full configuration:

  • Check the message log in PeopleSoft Process Monitor for error messages.

  • Check the PeopleSoft Application Engine log files (.stdout and .trc files) for error messages.

  • If reordering ChartFields, check the Bulkops.log file for "unable to process <page>" error messages.

    Skipping certain pages is normal for the process.

  • Verify that all configuration actions have a Complete (standard actions) or Auto Configuration Complete (advanced actions) status using the Configuration Status - Action Status page.

  • If the full configuration process fails before completion, correct the error and restart the process using the Process Monitor.

    Do not initiate a new process instance until the first instance is successfully completed.

  • If the standard AE logs do not provide sufficient information about an error, setting TraceAE=3 in the psprcs.cfg will produce a detailed AET trace file.

  • Copy AMCHARTS.SQC to your SQR directory (Asset Management installations only).

  • Perform the required manual steps outlined on the Configuration Steps report and when completed, set the status in the Product Status page from Auto Configuration Complete to Complete.

Each ChartField falls into one of the following three categories based on its ability to be configured:

  • Fully Configurable—Any ChartField configuration action can be taken.

  • Partially Configurable—Only selective ChartField configuration actions can be taken.

  • Non-Configurable—These ChartFields are required and cannot be configured.

In addition, a ChartField is either a standard or affiliate ChartField.

While both standard and affiliate ChartFields are used to classify and report on financial transactions, affiliate ChartFields do not have their own set of values. Instead, they use values from a related standard ChartField to facilitate interunit and intraunit accounting. After a ChartField is defined as standard or affiliate, it cannot be changed to the other type.

The following table summarizes the configuration characteristics of the delivered set of ChartFields:


Valid Configuration Actions

The following are fully configurable standard ChartFields:

  • Operating Unit

  • Fund Code

  • Program Code

  • Class Field

  • Budget Reference

  • Product

  • ChartField 1 (expansion ChartField)

  • ChartField 2 (expansion ChartField)

  • ChartField 3 (expansion ChartField)

  • Activate or Inactivate

  • Change Display Order

  • Relabel

  • Change Display Length

  • Rename

  • Delete

  • Change Field Length

Account is a partially configurable standard ChartField.

  • Change Display Order

  • Relabel

  • Change Display Length

  • Change Field Length

Alternate Account is a partially configurable standard ChartField.

  • Activate or Inactivate

  • Change Display Order

  • Relabel

  • Change Display Length

  • Change Field Length

(Cannot inactivate if Enable Alternate Account is a selected installation option.)

Department is a partially configurable standard ChartField.

  • Activate or Inactivate

  • Change Display Order

  • Relabel

  • Change Display Length

(Cannot inactivate if PeopleSoft Asset Management, Expenses, or Resource Management is installed.)

PC Business Unit is a partially configurable standard project ChartField.

  • Relabel

  • Change Display Length

Project (also used as the Grant ChartField) is a partially configurable standard ChartField.

  • Activate or Inactivate

  • Change Display Order

  • Relabel

  • Change Display Length

(Cannot inactivate if PeopleSoft Project Costing, Expenses, and Resource Management applications are installed.)

Activity is a partially configurable standard project ChartField.

  • Relabel

  • Change Display Length

Source Type is a partially configurable standard project ChartField.

  • Activate or Inactivate

  • Relabel

  • Change Display Length

(Cannot be inactivated if a PC Business Unit requires it or if the Related Edit Option is specified.

Category is a partially configurable standard project ChartField.

  • Activate or Inactivate

  • Relabel

  • Change Display Length

(Cannot be inactivated if a PC Business Unit requires it or if the Related Edit Option is specified.

Subcategory is a partially configurable standard project ChartField.

  • Activate or Inactivate

  • Relabel

  • Change Display Length

(Cannot be inactivated if a PC Business Unit requires it or if the Related Edit Option is specified.

Affiliate is a partially configurable affiliate ChartField.

  • Activate or Inactivate

  • Change Display Order

  • Relabel

  • Change Display Length

The following are fully configurable affiliate ChartFields:

  • Fund Affiliate

  • Operating Unit Affiliate

  • Activate or inactivate

  • Change Display Order

  • Relabel

  • Change Display Length

  • Change IntraUnit Related ChartField

  • Rename

  • Delete

  • Change Field Length

The following standard ChartFields are not configurable:

  • Statistics Code

  • Currency Code

  • Scenario

  • Book Code

  • Adjustment Type

  • Resource Analysis Type

Not configurable

The project ChartFields are related ChartFields, which have the following display order:

  • PC Business Unit

  • Project

  • Activity

  • Source Type

  • Category

  • Subcategory

Project ChartFields are unique in that their display order in the overall sequence of all ChartFields is always the same in relation to the position of the Project ChartField. While you cannot directly change the display order of the other five project ChartFields, you can change the display order of the Project ChartField and the other five project ChartFields maintain their relative positions with respect to the Project ChartField. Their relative positions are as shown in the previous listing of ChartFields. The six project ChartFields must move as a group with any reordering of the display sequence for the Project ChartField and all other ChartFields reordered around this requirement.

Additionally, Resource Analysis Type is not considered a ChartField and as such is not included in the previous list of project ChartFields, nor is it included on either the Standard or Advanced Configuration pages.

While the project ChartFields are displayed on both the Standard and Advanced Configuration pages, project ChartFields are subject only to standard configuration. Because standard configuration can be done using either the Standard or Advanced Configuration page, the project ChartFields are available on both configuration pages.

Note: If you have not licensed the PeopleSoft Project Costing, Expenses, Resource Management or Services Procurement products, deselect the check boxes on the Installation Options Products page for any unlicensed products before running the Configure process so that ChartFields related to these products are automatically inactivated and are no longer available on pages that would otherwise contain the related ChartFields.

See Project ChartFields.

Resource Analysis Type

Resource Analysis Type is displayed between the Activity and Source Type ChartFields on the Journal Line page. The value of this field is typically derived programmatically based on the transaction and is not available for input on most transaction entry pages. However, an exception to this is Journal Entry, where this field is available for input. Consequently, this field is added to the Journal Entry line page between the Activity and Source Type ChartFields.

If the Project ChartField is reordered during ChartField configuration, the Resource Analysis Type also retains this relative position and is reordered along with the Projects ChartFields in the display.

Like the Projects ChartFields (other than Project ID), Resource Analysis Type is not available if the PeopleSoft Project Costing application is not installed.

Activation and Inactivation of Projects ChartFields

Projects ChartFields are delivered already activated. If any of the PeopleSoft Project Costing, Expenses, or Resource Management applications are not installed, some of the Projects ChartFields are automatically inactivated by navigating to the Configuration page, saving, and then running the Configure process:

  • If the Project Costing application is installed, all project ChartFields remain activated.

  • If the Project Costing application is not installed and either the PeopleSoft Expenses or Resource Management application is installed, PC Business Unit, Activity, and the Project ChartField remain activated, and Source Type, Resource Category, and Subcategory are inactivated.

  • If none of the Project Costing, Expenses, or Resource Management applications are installed, the system inactivates the PC Business Unit, Activity, Source Type, Resource Category, and Subcategory ChartFields if they are not already inactivated.

Inactivation of the Project ChartField is not allowed if the PeopleSoft Project Costing, Expenses, or Resource Management applications are installed .

Inactivation of Source Type is not allowed if any row in the Project Costing Definition (BUS_UNIT_TBL_PC) has the field Category Edit Option (CAT_EDIT_OPTION) set to Related (REL).

Inactivation of Category is not allowed if any row in the Project Costing Definition (BUS_UNIT_TBL_PC) has the field Subcategory Edit Option (SUB_EDIT_OPTION) set to Related (REL).

Assumptions and Restrictions on Display Lengths of Project ChartFields

In the PeopleSoft system ChartFields normally reside in a grid. However, in some applications the PC Business Unit, Project, and Activity ChartFields typically reside outside a grid, as in the PeopleSoft Project Costing application. This prevents the configuration process from changing the display length of these fields. However, though the display length of ChartFields cannot be changed when they appear outside a grid, data entry is restricted to the display length specified on the Standard Configuration page. For example, even though Project appears as a 15-character field in the grid, data entry can be restricted to 10 characters if that is the display length that you specify on the Standard Configuration page.

Balancing and Interunit Restrictions on Project ChartFields

No balancing occurs on the Projects ChartFields. Although the Project ChartField can be specified as a balancing ChartField, this is not true of the other five Projects ChartFields. Therefore, they do not appear in the IntraUnit Related ChartField drop-down list box on the configuration page.

Other Project ChartField Configuration Restrictions

ChartField Inheritance is supported for fully configurable ChartFields only. It is not supported for project ChartFields because they are partially configurable.

If a PeopleSoft application maintains grid tabs that are embedded between ChartFields, a manual step is necessary in the ChartField configuration process that requires you to review and modify these pages. This is because the configuration process automatically moves embedded grid tabs to the end of the ChartField block.

The ChartField Configuration process can be used to configure ChartFields for:

  • Products installed during your initial PeopleSoft implementation. The full configuration process updates all records and pages in the database containing ChartFields. It also produces a Configuration Steps report that lists the definitions or programs that must be updated manually for each installed product. Use the Standard ChartField or Advanced ChartField Configuration component.

  • Products installed after the initial ChartField Configuration. The full configuration process updates all records and pages in the database containing ChartFields if any additional configuration actions have been requested since the initial ChartField Configuration. It also produces a Configuration Steps report that lists the definitions and programs that must be updated manually for each installed product. Use the Standard ChartField or Advanced ChartField Configuration component.

  • Projects containing upgrade objects or application updates and fixes. Depending on the configuration actions selected when your products were configured, you might need to apply those actions in the future to projects containing upgrade objects or application updates and fixes. Oracle will inform you when this is required. Use the CF Configuration by Project page.

When planning how to configure your ChartFields to meet your reporting requirements, consider the following questions:

  • How many ChartFields do you need?

  • Can the existing active ChartFields meet your requirements or do you need to activate any of the expansion ChartFields 1, 2, or 3?

  • Do you need to add additional ChartFields beyond the expansion ChartFields? This affects future upgrades and application fixes, making them more complex. Oracle recommends using all of the delivered ChartFields first before considering adding a new one.

  • What should the length of each ChartField be?

  • What descriptive labels (long and short) do you want to appear on pages and reports for each ChartField?

  • In what order do you want the ChartFields to be displayed?

  • Do you use alternate account functionality? If so, the alternate account must be active.

  • Have you implemented PeopleSoft Project Costing, Expenses, Resource Management, or Services Procurement? If so, PC Business Unit & Activity must be active.

  • Have you implemented PeopleSoft Expenses, Asset Management, or Resource Management? If so, the Department ChartField must be active.

  • Are you using the InterUnit functionality? If so, Affiliate must be active.

  • Are you using the IntraUnit functionality? If so, one or both IntraUnit Affiliate ChartFields must be active.

  • How many intraunit balancing ChartFields do you require, if any, and what are their related ChartFields?

  • Do you want to rename any of the delivered ChartFields? Oracle strongly discourages this because it makes applying future upgrades and application fixes more complex. Instead, Oracle recommends that you relabel the ChartField.

  • Do you want to delete any of the delivered ChartFields? Oracle strongly discourages this because it makes applying future upgrades and application fixes more complex. Instead, Oracle recommends that you inactivate the ChartField.

  • Do you want to reduce the field length of any of the delivered ChartFields? Oracle strongly discourages this because it makes applying future upgrades and application fixes more complex. Instead, Oracle recommends that you reduce the display length of the ChartField.