Defining Miscellaneous Charge and Landed Cost Templates

To define miscellaneous charge and landed cost templates, use the Misc Chg/Landed Cost Template component (miscellaneous charge and landed cost template component) (CM_LC_TEMPLATE).

This section lists the page used to define miscellaneous charge and landed cost templates.

Page Name

Definition Name


Misc Chrg/Landed Cost Template (miscellaneous charge and landed cost template) Page


Group miscellaneous charge types in a single template. Use landed cost templates to conveniently apply groups of charges to a supplier item definition. Charges that are available for selection are defined on the Misc Charge/Landed Cost Defn page.

To access the Misc Chrg/Landed Cost Template (miscellaneous charge and landed cost template) Page, follow the navigation: Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Procurement Options > Charges/Costs > Misc Chrg/ Landed Cost Template > Misc Chrg/Landed Cost Template