Helpful Hints About EIPs

The proper setup of your EIPs play a key role in any integration strategy. The following section is designed to answer common questions about EIP setup and processing.

Finding More Information About EIPs

Problem: Where can I find additional information about service operations, including more technical details?

Solution: Use the Interactive Services Repository (ISR) in the My Oracle Support website located at

The ISR contains information about the numerous EIPs. Developers use ISR to document the technical structure of an integration point, its design patterns, and underlying technology. Analysts will use ISR to explore and understand integration points from a business process context. This is especially useful when implementing an Oracle-supported reference business process across multiple products and release versions.

Monitoring the Transactions

Problem: How can I tell if my service operation transaction was completed successfully?

Solution: Use the Service Operations Monitor located in PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Service Operations Monitor. Use these pages to view items in the integration system at a high level so that you can isolate particular areas and then drill down for further information. You can select to group information by queue or service operation.

Services and Service Operations

Problem: What is the difference between a service and a service operation?

Solution: Services are used to logically group a set of service operations. For example, if you have a number of service operations that are related to customers, such as those pertaining to customer information, adding customers, updating customers, deleting customers, and so on, you can create a customer web service and then associate the related service operations with that service.

Warning! PeopleSoft delivers two services with PeopleSoft Integration Broker: IB_GENERIC and IB_UTILITY. These services are used internally by the system. Do not delete or modify these services.

OnRoute Handlers

Problem: Why OnRoute handlers are required when setting up an operation?

Solution: If you are using the chunking features of the Batch Publish utility for outbound integrations, you may want to use an OnRoute Handler to direct different chunks of data to different trading partners. If you are integrating to a single trading partner then you will probably not have a need for this Handler.

Routing Definitions

Problem: On the Routing Definition, is it required to specify a transform?

Solution: Most likely you will not need a transform unless you have done your own customizations. Integrations with a service operation version other than the default require a transform to or from the default version. Additionally, in a few of the integrations, transforms are used to convert the default service operation version to or from industry standard formats such as xcbl, cxml, or X.12 EDI.


Problem: Why is it necessary to set up a location for nodes other than the local node? If so, what should this address be?

Solution: If integrating to or from external sources, use the http target connector and enter the URL of the external source in the connector properties. If integrating to another PeopleSoft database, use the PeopleSoft target connector and configure the selected gateway to point to an application server running pub/sub services on the target database.

SimpleFileTargetConnector -vs- Flat Files

Problem: What is the difference between using the SimpleFileTargetConnector on the gateway or using the Batch Publish Rule's Output Format of "Flat File"?

Solution: When using the SimpleFileTargetConnector in integration broker the gateway creates a file in the directory assigned to the node. When using the Flat File option on the batch publish rule, a service operation instance is never published. Instead, the Batch Publish utility generates a flat file in the format designated by the File Layout Definition named the same as the message. The file is placed in the default directory on the process scheduler server running the Outbound File Publish program.

FTP Servers

Problem: Can I have the files written to a FTP server instead of a directory specified in the properties of the SimpleFileTargetConnector?

Solution: Yes, by configuring the FtpTargetConnector on the node definition instead of the SimpleFileTargetConnector.


Problem: When do I need to used chunking?

Solution: Chunking is only needed if you have requirements to break messages up by trading partner. If you are using a middleware product to actually determine trading partner destinations, a single message with all trading partner transactions can usually be sent directly to the middleware product.