Managing Item Replenishment Data in the POU Supplier and the PeopleSoft System

This section discusses the procedures and application functions used to manage item replenishment data in POU suppliers and PeopleSoft. Here is the process for managing item replenishment data:

  1. The POU supplier system tracks on-hand quantity and material usage.

    The POU supplier system maintains on-hand quantities for each of its par location items set up in the PeopleSoft Inventory Par Location Definition component, and it records consumer material usage throughout the day.

  2. The POU supplier system publishes on-hand par location count data to PeopleSoft Inventory.

    The POU supplier uses the Par Location Count EIP to publish on-hand par location count data to PeopleSoft Inventory. This publication occurs at user-requested intervals from the POU supplier to provide the PeopleSoft system with current on-hand quantities for each item in the POU par locations.

  3. PeopleSoft Inventory subscribes to the on-hand par location count data from the POU supplier system.

    PeopleSoft Inventory uses the Par Location Count EIP to subscribe to this data. Once the data is received, the PeopleSoft system updates the par location count tables and the par location count information is ready to be processed using the Create Par Replenishment Requests process (INPGCDMD).

    Note: Any existing POU supplier-based replenishment processes are not used in this integration.

  4. Run the Create Par Replenishment Requests process (INPGCDMD) in PeopleSoft Inventory.

    The Create Par Replenishment Requests process takes each par location count and replenishes items that fall below the par level that you identify on the Par Location Definition - Line page. A purchase order, requisition, or material stock request is created in the PeopleSoft system to replenish the stock to par levels.

  5. Deplete the material stock requests created to replenish a POU supplier.

    For material stock requests that have issued stock from inventory to the par location and have been depleted, the Internal Location Expected Receipt EIP publishes data to the POU application using the IN_PUB_MSG Application Engine process.

  6. Receive direct-purchase items with the Receiving component in PeopleSoft Purchasing.

    Receiving material against a purchase order in the Receiving component in PeopleSoft Purchasing triggers the publication of a data transaction to the POU supplier using the Purchase Order Receipt Notification EIP. This transaction identifies all direct-purchase items and quantities that have been received and are delivered to specified locations. The Receipt Push process (RECVPUSH) loads the stage table (RECV_PUSH_NTFY). If a chunking rule for the service operation and publish rule exists on the publish rule definition table (EO_MSGPUBDEFN), then the system creates staging records for only those par location receipt transactions that have the par location defined on the par location chunking table (IN_BU_PAR_EOC). If the chunking rule does not exist, then staging records are created for all par location receipt transactions. Once the stage table is loaded, it calls the program that in turn publishes the receipt notification data.