Restocking a POU Supplier

This section discusses the typical procedure used to physically restock POU supplier systems. Here are the steps:

  1. Generate the appropriate reports for the material to be restocked at the POU supplier.

    Typically, the technician assigned to restock the POU supplier is prompted through the POU supplier restock event by the light guides on the POU supplier unit. The lights are activated based on the information in the data sent using the Internal Location Expected Receipt EIP (outbound) or Purchase Order Receipt Notification EIP (outbound).

    For item issues out of inventory, the Shipping Document Report page (INC6503) can be requested to accompany the delivery of the stock items to the POU par location. For purchased items, the Receiver Delivery report (POY5030) can be generated to accompany the stockless and non-stock items to the POU par location.

    The restock technician can then use these reports along with the light guides on the POU to ensure that the par locations are updated with the correct quantities.

  2. Compare expected receipts with actual receipts, and record discrepancies.

    When restocking a light-guided POU supplier, the technician follows the lights on the POU supplier and, for each item, verifies that the quantity displayed, or the expected receipt quantity, is the same as the actual quantity received. If the quantity received is different from the expected quantity, the technician records the variation on the report.

  3. Manually restock the POU bin or compartment with the received stock.

    The technician refills the bins or compartments in the POU supplier with the received stock.

  4. Complete the restocking event in the POU supplier system.

    The final step of the restocking event takes place in the third-party POU supplier system. Typically, the technician updates the POU supplier system with the actual quantities that are used to restock the POU supplier bins or compartments.