Setting Up Chunking

If you are sending outbound data using a service operation in Integration Broker, you may want to set up chunking. When chunking, the system automatically breaks up the outbound transaction into several smaller transactions based on the values in one or more of the fields in the level zero record of the message. The message identifies the records and fields to be sent and is tied to the service operation. For example, if you want to chunk by the business unit field of the message, the outbound transaction would be broken up by business unit sending each business unit's outbound data to a node that you have defined. Another example would be for sites sending EDI transactions directly to trading partners. If you are sending purchase orders directly to a supplier, make sure that the supplier gets only their information. Chunking provides the ability to split a batch of purchase orders into separate transactions based on the trading partner. The Integration Broker then provides tools to route the transactions to specific nodes based on that trading partner identification, in this case the supplier ID.

See PeopleSoft Electronic Data Interchange.

Note: If you are using a middleware product to transform and route transactions to trading partners then you most likely will not need to use chunking. The entire outbound transaction would go to the node defined for the middleware product.

Chunking is implemented using the Batch Publish Utility or the Full Data Publish Utility. In either case a batch publish rule is created and a chunking rule can be attached. The chunking rule defines a table containing a set of values that map to specific nodes. For example, in the above example where you are chunking by supplier ID, the chunking rule table would contain a set of supplier IDs that map to individual nodes for trading partners receiving the purchase order data.

The following is a step by step explanation of the process flow of an outbound transaction using chunking:

  1. Chunking Selection

    The run process that generated the transaction. This may be the Full Data Publish Utility or one of the batch based service operations that use the Batch Publish Utility.

    Note: All transactions generated from the Publish Outbound Messages process page use the Batch Publish Utility.

    When the batch publish or full data publish utilities run they recognize the chunking rule assigned to the publish rule and split the data into separate XML files for each chunking rule value. The XML files are then published to the Integration Broker.

  2. Chunking Node Routing

    The Integration Broker makes the decision of which node will receive each XML file. Standard processing for the Integration Broker will send the outbound data to all of the nodes that have active outbound routings on the service operation. When chunking is used, the Integration Broker needs to send the outbound transaction only to the nodes specified by the chunk rule. This is done by activating the ROUTERSENDHDLR handler on the Service Operations-Handlers page. This handler is an OnRoute application class containing PeopleCode that directs the Integration Broker to only send the outbound data to the nodes that you have defined for the specific chunking rule.

PeopleSoft provides a number of chunking rules, chunking rule tables, and data entry pages that can be used to maintain node mappings and routing rules for some of the more commonly used field values. The data entry pages are noted in the Pages Used to Set up Chunking table below. Additional setup information is provided in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Components documentation explaining how to create your own customized chunking rule, chunking rule table and data entry pages.

Page Name

Definition Name


Add Nodes to Chunk Rule Page


Map nodes by Chunk Rules.

BusUnit Mapping Page


Maintain ChunkRule business unit mapping.

Quick Map Page


Map business units by ChunkRules or nodes.

Map Business Unit Page


Map ChunkRules or nodes by business unit.

SetID Mapping Page


Maintain ChunkRule SetID mapping.

Quick Map Page


Map SetIDs by ChunkRules or nodes.

Map SetIDs Page


Map ChunkRules by SetID.

Customer ID Chunk Page


Map customer chunk rule and node to customer ID.

BU/Location Node Mapping Page


Map business units chunk rule and node to location codes.

BU/Par Location Node Mapping Page


Map business unit and par location chunk rule and node to par location ID.

Setup Supplier to Node Page


Set up supplier chunk rule and node to supplier ID and supplier location.

PO Chunk Shipto Page


Set up ShipTo chunk rule and node to Ship To Location.

Source Code Chunk Page


Set up source code chunk rule and node to source codes.

PeopleTools: Integration Broker

See Understanding This Troubleshooting