Setting Up Cash Forecasting

Page Name

Definition Name


Define Time Sets Page


Configure time segments with corresponding start and end cycles and store associated time periods

Position Field Types Page


Define user-friendly field names.

Forecast Mapping Page


Set up dimensions for reporting cash forecasting numbers.

Position Source Set Page


Define position source sets, such as actuals, forecast, projected, or intraday.

Position Source Page


Define position records, drill back details, and selection criteria for position sources.

Position Source Contacts Page


Associate source contacts with a Contact Type of Cash Forecast to a position source.

Drill Back Details Page


Define the method for drilling back to the source application, used to view details of a transaction from the Cash Forecasting Results page.

Selection Criteria Page


Enter selection criteria for a source or regenerate SQL for several sources in batch.

Forecast Rules Page


Identify forecasting rules to shift or replace forecasting values.

Calculate Time Spans Page


Run the Treasury Position Time Spans process (TR_POSN_TSPAN), which calculates time spans for a specified time set.

Create Position Source SQL Page


Enter the parameters and execute a process that creates the SQL defined for a position source.

Worksheet Definition Page


Define how your cash forecast worksheet will look and the calculations that will be made, including reporting currencies, forecast rules, source sets, and variance attributes.

Worksheet Line Items Page


Define line items, position sources, and position source processing attributes for the worksheet.

To define PeopleSoft cash forecasting information, use the Define Cash Forecast menu, which includes components to set up worksheets, forecasting rules, time spans, and position source options.

Using pages in the setup menu, you define the following setup and source data:

  • Time sets.

  • Position field types.

  • Forecast mapping.

  • Position source sets.

  • Position sources.

  • Forecast rules.

  • Time span calculation.

  • Position source SQL.

  • Worksheet definitions.

As part of your installation of Cash Forecasting, you will need to evaluate the values needed for your business.

Configure time sets to create time intervals, or time buckets, that you want to leverage to display cash forecasting results.

You can define time sets with varying intervals, such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, or rolling. Look up sample data for the intervals mentioned here to evaluate the associated time periods and make appropriate changes. You should create new intervals as needed.

Use the Define Time Sets page (POS_TIME_SPAN_PNL) to configure time segments with corresponding start and end cycles and store associated time periods.


Cash Management > Cash Forecast > Define Cash Forecast > Define Time Sets

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Time Sets page.

Define Time Sets page

Field or Control



Indicates the sequential time segment that you are modifying.


Select a start type to indicate how the system determines when a time segment starts. Values are:

  • Defined by Period above: Starts the current time segment when the prior time segment ends. You cannot select this option for the first segment.

  • Specific Date: Starts the current time segment on a specific date. When you select this option, enter the date in the Start Date field.

  • Specific Period: Starts the current time segment on the first day of a specified period. When you select this option, select the calendar on which to base the period start.

  • Today: Starts the current time segment today. Select this value when you want the time span to be based on a current date. Every time the system calculates the time span, this field is updated with the current date.


Select a cycle type to indicate the repetition frequency of a time segment. Values are:

  • Relative: Cycles the time segment a relative number of times. When you select this value, enter the number of times it repeats, and then enter the frequency of repetition in the Relative field. You can repeat a number of days, months, or years. For example, to have this time segment repeat daily for five days, you would enter 5 in the Number field, and select Days in the Relative field.

  • Use Period Definitions: Cycles the time segment based on the period definitions from a business calendar. When you select this value, select the calendar on which to base this frequency. For example, suppose that you want this time segment to cycle by quarters. Select a defined quarterly calendar in frequency.


Use to control when a time segment ends. After completing the appropriate number of cycles, the following values are available to control the end of the segment:

  • End of Next Cycle: Completes the time segment at the end of the next cycle. Select the calendar to use to determine the ending.

  • End of Period: Completes the time segment when the period that is defined by the selected calendar ends. Select the calendar to use to determine the ending period.

  • End of Previous Cycle: Completes the time segment when the previous cycle ends. Select the calendar to use to determine the ending period.

  • Number of Periods: Completes the time segment after repeating the cycle a given number of periods. Enter the number of times the period should cycle.


Click this button to generate the time span intervals. Your results appear in the Resulting Time Periods group box.

Use the Position Field Types page (POS_FIELD_TYPE_PNL) to define user-friendly field names.

Position Field Types, also known as Alias Names, can be associated with prompt records and meta-SQL. They are used to map to source record fields, define position SQL criteria, and process cash forecast results.


Cash Management > Cash Forecast > Define Cash Forecast > Forecast Position Field Types

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Position Field Types page.

Position Field Types page

Review existing Position Field Types and define new ones if required to map position source record fields.

Select a Field Type in the system that you want this position field type Alias Name to represent.

Prompting Method

Select a Prompt option to indicate how to control prompting for values for the selected Field Type.

Field or Control



Select to base the prompts on the actual database records. In the Record Prompt field, enter the field on which prompting is based.


Select to base prompting on translate values rather than the records themselves, and select the field name to use for translation. This value applies only to field records that use translate values.

Define Meta Text

Field or Control


Meta Field

Select to incorporate a SQL statement with this alias. (Typically, you do not select this check box.)

The following table lists examples of alias names that are delivered with the sample database:

Alias Name




Record Prompt

Field Name

Meta Field




This Deal





Alias name with meta text ¹


Bank Account






Alias name with record prompt



Cancel Status





Alias name with record prompt and field








Alias name with only field type value

1. Meta text for alias name %THIS DEAL is as follows:


In addition to the system-defined groupings (Business Unit, Bank SetID, Bank, Bank Account, and Currency), you can map up to seven additional cash forecast dimensions for which you want to process cash forecast results and view them.

For each additional dimension mapped, you must update the Position Sources Mappings on the Position Source page and ensure that the source data have values for each mapped dimension.

As delivered in PeopleSoft Cash Management, the cash forecasting component stores results by bank, bank account, business unit, position currency, source set, value date, and transaction currency. No change to the forecast mapping is required if you view cash forecast results by delivered dimensions. Map a generic group-by field to an alias name if you want to summarize cash forecast numbers by another dimension.

Use the Forecast Mapping page (CSH_FCST_GRP_BY) to set up dimensions for reporting cash forecasting numbers.


Cash Management > Cash Forecast > Define Cash Forecast > Forecast Mapping

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Forecast Mapping page.

Forecast Mapping page

Field or Control


Destination Field

System-defined groupings include the following:

  • Business Unit (BUSINESS_UNIT_BANK)

  • Bank SetID (BANK_SETID)

  • Bank Account (BANK_ACCT_KEY)

  • Currency (CURRENCY_CD)

  • Bank Counterparty (BANK_CD)

The system also provides seven generic Destination Field values:








You can map these fields to create groupings that represent a dimension to be displayed in your cash forecast results. For example, you might choose to map to a geographic region by country.

Note: For each additional dimension mapped, you must update the Position Source Mappings and ensure that the source data have values for each mapped dimension on the Position Source page.

Alias Name

Select from user-defined Position Field Type values found on the Position Field Type page. Do not map to the alias names used by system-defined mappings.

Default Value

Enter a default value for each grouping field. If the source does not include a value for this field, the system uses the default value you define to group data.

Use the Position Source Set page (SOURCE_SET_DEFN) to define position source sets, such as actuals, forecast, projected, or intraday.

Position Source Sets represent categories for grouping position source data, which you can view and/or compare data between two source sets on the cash forecasting results page.


Cash Management > Cash Forecast > Define Cash Forecast > Position Source Set

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Position Source Set page. .

Position Source Set page

Commonly used source sets are delivered as sample data with your system.

Field or Control



Enter a SetID.


Enter a description.

Source Set

Enter a category for grouping position source data.


(Optional) Enter comments.

A position source represents a source of data that is used to calculate cash forecast/position amount. It also holds details for drill back to source data and SQL criteria that can be applied when retrieving cash forecast/position amounts.

Note: At the time of installation, you should evaluate the appropriateness of the delivered data to your business context and assess whether to create your own position sources. In many cases, you must create your own.

To set up position sources for cash forecasting:

  1. Define/identify the underlying position record.

  2. (Optional) Define position source contacts.

  3. (Optional) Configure drill back to source methodology.

  4. (Optional) Define selection criteria for a source.

  5. (Required if selection criteria are defined) Create position source SQL.

After mapping the required alias names—business unit, amount, value date, currency, and a reference—to fields in the record, you should map fields to use for additional forecast dimensions, such as bank, bank account, bank SetID, and any Group By fields that you defined on the Forecast Mapping page.

Use the Position Source page (POS_SOURCE_TBL) to define position records, drill back details, and selection criteria for position sources.


Cash Management > Cash Forecast > Define Cash Forecast > Position Source > Position Source

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Position Source page.

Position Source page

Field or Control



Select the database from which the position source derives data.

Deal View

Select to permit remapping of amount fields for different instruments.

Display Only

Select to Indicate that the source data is informational only and will not be included in worksheet calculations. Display-only position sources can be added to the worksheet definition, in the Non-Cash Flow Details grid on the Worksheet Line Items page.

Reverse Amount Sign

Select to reverse the sign on the amount from the source when the data are summarized.

Note: In order to create a valid source, you must map corresponding fields in the record to the alias names for the business unit, amount, value date, currency, and a reference.

Field or Control


Field Name

Displays available field names of the selected record.

Position Field Types icon

Click the Position Field Types icon to define the sets of table fields that are available to the position management tool.

Long Description icon

Click the Long Description icon to enter a comprehensive description for the field.

Default Value

Choose default values for the bank account key, bank code, bank SetID, business unit, and currency, in case the fields in the source are empty.

Use the Position Source Contacts page (POS_SOURCE_CNTC) to associate source contacts with a Contact Type of Cash Forecast to a position source.


Cash Management > Cash Forecast > Define Cash Forecast > Position Source > Position Source

Click the Contact Information link on the Position Source page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Position Source Contacts page.

Position Source Contacts page

Field or Control


Contact ID

Enter the ID for a contact.

Name, Phone, Ext, and Email ID

Displays the contact’s name, phone, phone extension, and email ID, if available, from the contacts master table.

Use the Drill Back Details page (POS_SOURCE_KEYS) to define the method to use to drill back to the source application, to view details of a transaction from the Cash Forecasting Results page.


Cash Management > Cash Forecast > Define Cash Forecast > Position Source > Drill Back Details

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Drill Back Details page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Drill Back Details page

Specify the metadata to identify the drill detail information for the source. Enter the fieldnames from the record, and map them to the generic key fields in the Destination Field column. Select the mapped fields to be used for drilling back to the source and for ranking the rows.

A RANK() function is used to assign sequential numbers to the source detail result set. Provide sufficient Rank fields to identify a unique row in the group when entering source system key information.

Field or Control


Drill to Source

Select one of the following methods for drilling to source:

  • Component

  • DoModalComponent

  • External URL

  • None

Menu Name, Component Name, and Target Record

If you choose to drill to source by component, you must specify the menu and a component name. Specify a target record if the component points to a generic search page that doesn’t go through a search. You must specify the target record in order to populate the correct fields.

URL Address

Enter a URL if you select the URL method of drilling to the source.

Specify the metadata to define the detail information from the source in the Source System Key information grid.

Field or Control


Source Fieldname

Enter the fieldnames from the record, and map them to the generic key fields in the Destination Field column.

Destination Field

Map delivered character, date/time, and number key fields to source fields, such as the amount, value date, and bank. You identify the destination key fields and the system extracts the information that will be stored on the detail table, which will be used when you drill down to the details.

Include in Drill

Select the mapped fields to be used for drilling back to the source.

Include in Rank

Select the mapped fields to be used for ranking the rows. A RANK() function is used to assign sequential numbers to the source detail result set. Provide sufficient Rank fields to identify a unique row in the group.

Use the Selection Criteria page (POS_SOURCE_SQL) to enter selection criteria for a source or regenerate SQL for several sources in batch.

In cash forecasting, you define your selection criteria by source. You can create a Selection Definition here, which may include several criteria, then associate it at the worksheet level with the source using the appropriate Selection SQL ID. You can reuse the same selection criteria on any worksheets for the source.


Cash Management > Cash Forecast > Define Cash Forecast > Position Source > Selection Criteria

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Selection Criteria page.

Selection Criteria page

Field or Control


Create SQL

Click the Create SQL button to create the combined SQL statement from the various statements for different sets of criteria.

View SQL

Click the View All SQL to see the SQL that has been generated from the entered criteria. When the process finishes, a dialog box appears with the SQL statement.

Use these fields to create a Selection Definition:

Field or Control


Selection SQL ID

Create an ID for the selection criteria for a source.


Describe the SQL Criteria.

Enter SQL criteria for each Selection SQL ID:

Field or Control



Select from blank, (, ((, (((, or ((((, depending on your SQL statement and proper SQL syntax.

Alias Name

Select the appropriate alias name.


Select an operator for your SQL statement.

String Value

Enter any string value or choose one using the lookup prompt.

Number Value

Enter a numeric value.


Enter an addition/subtraction operator.

Date Value

Enter a calendar date or choose one using the calendar prompt.

Date Increment

Enter an incremental value of days.


Select from blank, ), )), ))), )))), depending on your SQL statement and proper SQL syntax.

And or Or

Choose from blank, AND, or OR.

Add row or Delete row

Click to add or delete the current row.

Forecast Rules are used to shift amount, shift value date based on business convention, shift value date by year, shift value date by month, shift value date by days, shift value date based on payment method, replace forecast data values.

The Forecast Rules page will render differently depending on the rule type you select. You can create the following types of rules or scenarios:

  • Amount

  • Date

  • Payment Method

  • Replacement

  • Worksheet Offset

The amount type rule is used to adjust the forecast amount, and you can add a weighting value. Or if you want to derive the amount from another field, enter the Alias Name for the field and choose either Per Unit in the Measurement field, along with Unit Price.

Use the Date type rule to adjust the forecast value date. You can specify a business day convention in the Convention field and enter the number of years, months, or days to adjust the source date.

Use the Payment Method rule type to shift value date by payment method.

Use the Replacement rule type to replace specific position source values.

Use the Worksheet Offset rule type when copying Cash Forecast Results to vary the date and amount.

Use the Forecast Rules page (CSH_FCST_RULES) to identify forecasting rules to shift or replace forecasting values.


Cash Management > Cash Forecast > Define Cash Forecast > Forecast Rules

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Forecast Rules page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Forecast Rules page

Field or Control


Rule ID and Rule Type

Define the rule by creating a rule ID, and specify a rule type for the rule. Options are:

  • Amount

  • Date

  • Payment Method

  • Replacement

  • Worksheet Offset


Enter a description.


Set the percentage that you want to apply to this cash forecast rule. You can also weight worksheet line items on the Worksheet Line Items page.

For example, you use the weight of 1.1 to forecast a 10 percent increase or 110 percent of your current situation. Similarly, you use a weight of .9 for a 10 percent decrease or 90 percent of your current cash situation.

In the Forecast Amount group box, enter values for these fields:

Field or Control



Choose the Per Unit measurement option to enter a value in the Unit Price field.

Alias Name

Enter the alias name for another field from which you want to derive the amount.

Target Field

Select one of the available target record fields.

Unit Price

Enter a unit price value when you select the Per Unit measurement.

Use the Calculate Time Spans page (TR_TSPAN_REQ) to run the Treasury Position Time Spans process (TR_POSN_TSPAN), which calculates time spans for a specified time set.

You can define time spans with varying intervals, such as daily for a week, weekly for a quarter, and then quarterly for a year. The time spans that you define can overlap, run consecutively, or both.


Cash Management > Cash Forecast > Define Cash Forecast > Calculate Time Spans

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Calculate Time Spans page.

Calculate Time Spans page

To define the Process Scheduler run, enter a request ID and description and indicate if you want the system to process using a single SetID or all SetIDs.

Field or Control


Process Frequency

Specify the frequency with which the process or job is to be run. Choose from Always, Once, or Never.


Enter a SetID.

Time Set and Description

Enter the time interval from sample data delivered with your system, or that you defined on the Define Time Sets page.

Use the Create Position Source SQL page (TR_CREATE_SQL) to enter the parameters and execute a process that creates the SQL defined for a position source.

The position source SQL for cash forecasting is stored on the source. If you want to regenerate SQL for several sources in batch, you can do it through this component.


Cash Management > Cash Forecast > Define Cash Forecast > Create Position Source SQL

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Create Position Source SQL page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Create Position Source SQL page

Field or Control


Process Frequency

Specify the frequency with which the process or job is to be run. Choose from Always, Once, or Never.


Enter a SetID.

Position Source ID and Description

Identify the record that will be used as the base when building the SQL to retrieve the impacted rows of data according to the search criteria. The SQL will retrieve distinct records for the main source record primary key.

Use the Worksheet Definition page (WORKSHEET_DEFN) to set up a worksheet structure to define the overall processing options, reporting position currencies, forecast rules, source sets, and variance attributes.

The worksheet definition determines how your cash forecast results will be computed and displayed.


Cash Management > Cash Forecast > Define Cash Forecast > Worksheet Definition > Worksheet Definition

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Worksheet Definition page (1 of 2).

Worksheet Definition page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Worksheet Definition page (2 of 2).

Worksheet Definition page (2 of 2)

Field or Control


Print Worksheet

Click this link to preview the worksheet definition and print the worksheet.

The process generates Worksheet Definition Report (TRX5100).

Copy Worksheet

Click this link to open the Copy Worksheet page, where you can specify a new worksheet ID and create a copy of the active worksheet definition.

Allow Manual Updates

To enable locking, select the Allow Manual Updates check box. If a worksheet is locked, the value does not change if the cash forecast is recalculated. It stays as it is until it is unlocked.

Variance Alerts Percents

Set up threshold levels of variance between two source sets. You can choose to show a variance that’s acceptable as well as levels for displaying a warning or an alert.

There are three alert statuses you can use to indicate variance levels on the Cash Forecast Results page. Enter a numerical value to trigger an alert status as follows:

  • Acceptable Percent: A variance value that is equal to or higher than the acceptable percent (always zero) but less than the warning percent will trigger a green circle acceptable status.

  • Warning Percent: A variance value that is equal to or higher than the warning percent but less than the alert percent triggers a yellow triangle warning status.

  • Alert Percent: A variance value that is equal to or higher than the alert percent will trigger a red square alert status.

Reporting Currencies

Define at least one and up to three different currencies for the cash worksheet. You must specify one currency as the default. This will be your position currency. Reporting currencies will be one of the parameters you can use to display your cash forecasting results on the Cash Forecasting Results page.

Position Source Sets

Enter one or more categories for grouping position source data that you defined on the Position Source Set page. You must specify one position source set as the default.

Carry Total Forward

Select the check box for an individual source set to populate the total carried forward row for line items, when viewing by Time Set on the Cash Forecasting Results page.

Forecast Rules

(Optional) Choose one Amount rule and/or one date type rule (Date or Payment Method). You can associate a maximum of one amount rule and one date type rule per worksheet definition.

Note: You cannot associate the Replacement rule with a worksheet definition. The Replacement rule must be associated with the source on the Worksheet Line Items page.

Variance Definitions

In order to define variance for comparisons, you must have more than one source set associated with the worksheet. You define variance levels in the Variance Alert Percents group box.

The variance percent is always calculated as follows:

Variance percent = (Variance Amount/Source_set2)*100

The Cash Position Variance Report shows the variance amount and variance percent between source sets that are defined on the Worksheet Definition page. You must provide variance definitions on the worksheet template to generate variance results.

See Cash Position Variance Report Page.

Source Set 1, Source Set 2, and Description

Enter source sets against which to calculate a variance between the two. You must also enter a description for each pair of source sets.

See also documentation for the Worksheet Definition (Report) Page.

Use the Worksheet Line Items page (WORKSHEET_LINE_ITM) to define line items, position sources, and position source processing attributes for the worksheet.

Each line item determines the different types of cash information that you are going to see on your worksheet, such as supplier payments, receipts, collections, and treasury inflows. You can enter cash flow as well as non-cash flow line items, which you can select to display in your cash forecasting results on the Cash Forecasting Results page.


Cash Management > Cash Forecast > Define Cash Forecast > Worksheet Definition > Worksheet Line Items

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Worksheet Line Items page.

Worksheet Line Items page

Note: You must set up at least one cash flow line item, with at least one source set and source, to create a valid worksheet. The non-cash flow line items are optional.

To display cash flow details, enter values In the Cash Flow Details section:

Field or Control


Line Item

Enter an item category that determines the characteristic of the line you want to show in your cash forecasting results.

Position Source Set

Enter a category for grouping position source data that you defined on the Position Source Set page.


Identify a source record to be used in the search criteria. It will be part of the FROM statement of the SQL that will be generated to retrieve cash forecasting data.


Enter a weighting value for the worksheet line items.

You can add a weighting value to the cash forecast by defining a forecast rule weighting value on the Forecast Rules page and then applying the rule to the worksheet on the Worksheet Definition page.

Selection SQL ID

Enter an ID for the selection criteria for a source that you defined on the Selection Criteria page.

Replacement Rule

Enter a rule that you defined on the Forecast Rules page.

To display non-cash flow details, enter values In the Non-Cash Flow Details section:

Field or Control


Line Item

Enter an item category that determines the characteristic of the line you want to show in your cash forecasting results.

Position Source Set

Enter a category for grouping position source data that you defined on the Position Source Set page.


Identify a source record to be used in the search criteria. It will be part of the FROM statement of the SQL that will be generated to retrieve cash forecasting data.


Enter a weighting value for the worksheet line items.

You can add a weighting value to the cash forecast by defining a forecast rule weighting value on the Forecast Rules page and then applying the rule to the worksheet on the Worksheet Definition page.

Selection SQL ID

Enter an ID for the selection criteria for a source that you defined on the Selection Criteria page.

Replacement Rule

Enter a replacement rule that you defined on the Forecast Rules page.