Understanding the Treasury Dashboard

Organizations face complex challenges in controlling and streamlining financial processes in order to improve the bottom line. The lack of visibility into cash positions and daily operational tasks on the part of Treasury managers has created a need for a dashboard to efficiently manage their return on cash. The Treasury Dashboard will provide managers with a unique view of the cash position for the organization. The dashboard provides the cash position by bank or by currency, investment mix, department mix and payment by source. The Treasury Dashboard is a necessary business intelligence tool that enables managers to effectively manage cash within their organizations, saving them time and money. Dashboards streamline the work of the treasurer by providing enormous value as well as a central place to monitor the cash position, payments and investments.

The Treasury Dashboard consists of a series of components which display cash management, deal management, and operational data in summary, detail, and chart formats. These components enable executives and managers to gain a clear visual concept of the financial state of the organization in order to manage and monitor spending in real time. The Treasury Dashboard consists of these dashboards:

  • Cash Management Dashboard

    • Cash Position by Bank

    • Cash Position by Transaction Currency

    • Cash Position by Source Set

    • Cash Position by Business Unit

    • Cash Position by Worksheet Line Item

  • Deal Management Dashboard

    • Investment Mix

    • Debt Mix

    • Fixed versus Floating Rate Investments

    • Fixed versus Floating Rate Debt

    • Open Foreign Exchange Contracts

  • Payments Dashboard

    • Payments by Source

    • Payments by Status

    • Payments by Bank

    • Payments by Payment Method

  • Bank Statement Load Dashboard

The Cash Management Dashboard hosts the following charts:

  • Cash Position by Bank

  • Cash Position by Transaction Currency

  • Cash Position by Source Set

  • Cash Position by Business Unit

  • Cash Position by Worksheet Line Item

To display the Cash Position data, you set up a configuration to identify the worksheet, date range, position source set, and position currency.

Cash Position chart displays data that are available for the configured values. It does not run the cash position process.

Cash Position by Bank

Cash Position by Bank chart displays cash position amounts for each bank. Detail information appears in a grid when you click the chart.

Cash Position by Transaction Currency

The Cash Position by Transaction Currency chart displays the cash position amounts based on each type of currency. Detail information appears in a grid when you click the chart.

Cash Position by Source Set

The Cash Position by Source Set chart displays the cash position amount for the source set for a period of time. Detail information appears in a grid when you click the chart.

Cash Position by Business Unit

Cash Position by Business Unit chart displays cash position amounts for each Business Unit. Detail information appears in a grid when you click the chart.

Cash Position by Worksheet Line Item

Cash Position by Worksheet Line Item chart displays cash position amounts for each line item. Detail information appears in a grid when you click the chart.

The Deal Management Dashboard hosts the following charts:

  • Investment Mix

  • Debt Mix

  • Fixed versus Floating Rate Investments

  • Fixed versus Floating Rate Debt

  • Open Foreign Exchange Contracts

You access the Dashboard Configuration - Deals page to identify the type of data that you want to display on Deal dashboards. This configuration requires that you enter a start and end date and then select a previously defined time interval. You select the time interval and apply a previously defined calendar to this interval. You also enter the number of days that would classify an investment/debt as short term, select the currency that you want to display on each of the Deal Management dashboards, and select the exchange rate information.

Investment Mix

The Investment Mix chart can be used to compare the amounts of an organization's long and short term investments based on the time interval selected and the number of days that classify an investment as short term entered when you set up the configuration for this dashboard. An organization's investments may include long and short term investment deals in various forms of securities. These data are derived from investments that are set up for an organization in PeopleSoft Deal Management.

Detail information appears in a grid when you click the chart.

Debt Mix

The Debt Mix chart can be used to compare the amounts of long term and short term debt held by your organization based on the time series that you select and the number of days that you enter that qualify a debt as short term on the Dashboard Configuration - Deals page.

Detail information appears in a grid when you click the chart.

Fixed versus Floating Rate Investments

An investment that earns money based on a fixed interest rate means that the amount of interest earned on the investment by the organization is based on an interest rate that typically stays the same over the life of the investment. An investment that earns money based on a floating interest rate means that the amount of interest earned on the investment over the life of the investment changes periodically.

The Fixed versus Floating Rate Investments chart displays the organization's investments in fixed interest rate earning investments, and floating interest rate earning investments over a specific period of time. This time period is based on a time series that you select for this dashboard on the Dashboard Configuration - Deals page.

Detail information appears in a grid when you click the chart.

Fixed versus Floating Rate Debt

The Fixed versus Floating Rate Debt chart displays an organization's borrowings on fixed rate basis and floating rate basis over a specified period of time. This time period is based on a time series that you select for this dashboard on the Dashboard Configuration - Deals page.

Detail information appears in a grid when you click the chart.

Open Foreign Exchange Contracts

A foreign exchange contract is a commitment to buy or sell a specified amount of foreign currency on a fixed date and rate of exchange. These contracts are used usually by importers as a hedge against exchange rate inflation. The Open Foreign Exchange Contracts chart displays the amount of open foreign currency exchange contract bought or sold by an organization.

Detail information appears in a grid when you click the chart.

See Entering Foreign Exchange Deals Examples.

The operational dashboards include these:

  • Payments Dashboard

  • Bank Statement Load Dashboard

The Payments Dashboard displays total payment amounts based on a specified payment source, payment status, bank, and payment method.

Payments by Source Chart

The Payments by Source Dashboard enables you to select a business unit and specify a date or range of dates on the Dashboard Configuration - Payments by Source page and display the total amount of payments depending on whether the source of the payments in the system is AP (accounts payable), AR (accounts receivable), BPEL (BPEL source), CM (cash management), DM (deal management), or Expenses.

Detail information appears in a grid when you click the chart.

Payments by Status Chart

The Payments by Status chart enables you to select a business unit and specify a date or range of dates on the page and display the total amount of payments based the payment status of each payment.

Detail information appears in a grid when you click the chart.

Payments by Bank Chart

The Payments by Bank chart enables you to select a business unit and a date or range of dates and display the total amount of payments based on each bank affiliated with your organization.

Detail information appears in a grid when you click the chart.

Payments by Payment Method Chart

The Payments by Payment Method chart enables you to select a business unit and a date or range of dates and display the total amount of payments based on the payment method used, such as ACH (Automated Clearing House), EFT (electronic file transfer), and wire transfer.

Detail information appears in a grid when you click the chart.

Status of Bank Statement Load Chart

The loading of bank statement information is an integral part of the reconciliation, bank statement accounting, and cash position processes. The system processes previous day statements that are used for reconciliation and accounting, current day statements for cash position worksheets, and account analysis statements for bank fee analysis. The configuration page allows you to exclude a Bank Statement Type or Bank Information.

The Status of Bank Statement Load chart displays the status of Bank Statements by bank that are not loaded, ready to be reconciled, and completed reconciliation.

Detail information appears in a grid when you click the chart.