Using the Treasury WorkCenter - My Work

The My Work pagelet provides links that consolidate a user’s actionable tasks, using the user ID as the Assigned User ID to show only items in their own queue.

The My Work pagelet includes these functional groupings for links:

  • Cash

  • Financial Gateway

  • Deals

  • Exceptions

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Treasury WorkCenter - My Work pagelet.

Treasury WorkCenter - My Work Pagelet

The Cash group level includes these links to transaction areas:

  • Finalize Accounting Entries

  • Approve Transfer Templates

Page Name


Alternate Navigation


Finalize Accounting Entries


Cash Management > Treasury WorkCenter > My Work pagelet.Click the Cash: Finalize Accounting Entries link.

Display and finalize accounting entries with a Provisional status.

Approve Transfer Templates


Cash Management > Treasury WorkCenter > My Work pagelet.Click the Cash: Approve Transfer Templates link.

Or Cash Management > Fees and Transfers > Approve Transfer Templates

Search for and approve or deny transfer templates.

Use the Finalize Accounting Entries page (TR_APP_WC_GRID) to display and finalize accounting entries with a Provisional status.


Cash Management > Treasury WorkCenter > My Work pagelet

Click the Cash: Finalize Accounting Entries link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Finalize Accounting Entries page - Summary tab.

Finalize Accounting Entries page - Summary tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Finalize Accounting Entries page - Additional Information tab.

Finalize Accounting Entries page - Additional Information tab

Field or Control


Refine Search Criteria

Hover the cursor over this link to view filters currently in use in the grid. Click the link to enter filter values on the Refine Search Criteria page. This grid uses the Accounting Filter View (CM_ACCTG) filter and you can change these filter values to display results in the grid:

  • Accounting Date

  • Business Unit

  • Source Code

Accounting ID

Click the Accounting ID value to open the View/Approve Entries page


Click this button after selecting one or more accounting entries to finalize the selected entries.

Use the Approve Transfer Templates page (TR_WR_TMPLT_APPR) to search for and approve or deny transfer templates.


  • Cash Management > Treasury WorkCenter > My Work pagelet

    Click the Cash: Approve Transfer Templates link.

  • Cash Management > Fees and Transfers > Approve Transfer Templates

Note: When you click the WorkCenter link, the system takes you to the Approve Transfer Templates page located in the Fees and Transfers component. WorkCenter filters are not available on this page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Treasury WorkCenter - Approve Transfer Templates page.

Treasury WorkCenter - Approve Transfer Templates page

The Financial Gateway group level includes these links to transaction areas:

  • High Value Payments

  • Payments Due Today

  • Unpaid Payments

Page Name


Alternate Navigation


High Value Payments


Cash Management > Treasury WorkCenter > My Work pagelet.Click the Financial Gateway: High Value Payments link.

Display high value payments awaiting dispatch; dispatch or flag selected payments for hold.

Payments Due Today


Cash Management > Treasury WorkCenter > My Work pagelet.Click the Financial Gateway: Payments Due Today link.

Display payments awaiting dispatch with today’s date.

Unpaid Payments


Cash Management > Treasury WorkCenter > My Work pagelet.Click the Financial Gateway: Unpaid Payments link.

Display all unpaid payments that are awaiting dispatch.

Use the High Value Payments page (TR_WC_FG_GRID) to display high value payments awaiting dispatch; dispatch or flag selected payments for hold.


Cash Management > Treasury WorkCenter > My Work pagelet

Click the Financial Gateway: High Value Payments link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the High Value Payments page - Payment Information tab.

High Value Payments page - Payment Information tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the High Value Payments page - Bank Information tab.

High Value Payments page - Bank Information tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the High Value Payments page - Payee Bank tab.

High Value Payments page - Payee Bank tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the High Value Payments page - Payee Details tab.

High Value Payments page - Payee Details tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the High Value Payments page - Additional Information tab.

High Value Payments page - Additional Information tab

Field or Control


Refine Search Criteria

Hover the cursor over this link to view filters currently in use in the grid. Click the link to enter filter values on the Refine Search Criteria page. This grid uses the High Value Payments (FG_HVP) filter and you can change these filter values to display results in the grid:

  • Amount

  • Payment Source

  • Dispatch Status

  • Payment Date

  • Payment Method

Dispatch Payments

Click this button after selecting one or more payments to dispatch the selected payments.

Flag for Hold

Click this button after selecting one or more payments to place a hold on the selected payments.

Use the Payments Due Today page (TR_WC_FG_GRID) to display payments awaiting dispatch with today’s date.


Cash Management > Treasury WorkCenter > My Work pagelet

Click the Financial Gateway: Payments Due Today link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Payments Due Today page - Payment Information tab.

Payments Due Today page - Payment Information tab

Note: See the High Value Payments page for examples of the fields on the Bank Information, Payee Bank, Payee Details, and Additional Information tabs. Grids for High Value Payments, Payments Due Today, and Unpaid Payments display the same fields.

Use the Unpaid Payments page (TR_WC_FG_GRID) to display all unpaid payments that are awaiting dispatch.


Cash Management > Treasury WorkCenter > My Work pagelet.

Click the Financial Gateway: Unpaid Payments link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Unpaid Payments page - Payment Information page.

Unpaid Payments page - Payment Information tab

Note: See the High Value Payments page for examples of the fields on the Bank Information, Payee Bank, Payee Details, and Additional Information tabs. Grids for High Value Payments, Payments Due Today, and Unpaid Payments display the same fields.

Field or Control


Refine Search Criteria

Hover the cursor over this link to view filters currently in use in the grid. Click the link to enter filter values on the Refine Search Criteria page. This grid uses the All Payments (TR_FG_ALL) filter and you can change these filter values to display results in the grid:

  • Bank Code

  • Bank Account

  • Payment Source

  • Business Unit

  • Payment Method

Dispatch Payments

Click this button after selecting one or more payments to dispatch the selected payments.

Flag for Hold

Click this button after selecting one or more payments to place a hold on the selected payments.

The Deals group level includes these links to transaction areas:

  • Change Deals Portfolio

  • Confirm Deals

  • Approve Deals

Page Name


Alternate Navigation


Change Deals Portfolio


Cash Management > Treasury WorkCenter > My Work pagelet.Click the Deals: Change Deals Portfolio link.

Display open and matured deals; select deals and update portfolio.

Confirm Deals


Cash Management > Treasury WorkCenter > My Work pagelet.Click the Deals: Confirm Deals link.

Or Deal Management > Confirm Deals > Confirm Deals Manually > Deal Confirmation

Display open or matured deals with pending confirmation; select deals and confirm.

Approve Deals


Cash Management > Treasury WorkCenter > My Work pagelet.Click the Deals: Approve Deals link.

Or Deal Management > Capture Deals > Preview/Approve Deals > Deal Preview/Approval

Display open deals that are pending review; select deals and approve.

Use the Change Deals Portfolio page (TR_DEAL_WC_GRID) to display open and matured deals; select deals and update portfolio.


Cash Management > Treasury WorkCenter > My Work pagelet

Click the Deals: Change Deals Portfolio link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Change Deals Portfolio page - Deal Information tab.

Change Deals Portfolio page - Deals Information tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Change Deals Portfolio page - Additional Information tab.

Change Deals Portfolio page - Additional Information tab

Field or Control


Refine Search Criteria

Hover the cursor over this link to view filters currently in use in the grid. Click the link to enter filter values on the Refine Search Criteria page. This grid uses the Treasury Deals (TR_PORTFOL) filter and you can change these filter values to display results in the grid:

  • Business Unit

  • Instrument Type

  • Counterparty

  • Deal Status

  • Portfolio

Deal ID

Click the Deal ID value link to open the Deal Detail page for the deal.

Update Portfolio

After selecting one or more deals, select a portfolio and click the Go button to update the portfolio for the deals.

Use the Confirm Deals page (TR_DEAL_WC_GRID) to display open or matured deals with pending confirmation; select deals and confirm.


  • Cash Management > Treasury WorkCenter > My Work pagelet

    Click the Deals: Confirm Deals link.

  • Deal Management > Confirm Deals > Confirm Deals Manually > Deal Confirmation

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Confirm Deals page - Deal Information page.

Confirm Deals page - Deals Information tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Confirm Deals page - Additional Information page.

Confirm Deals page - Additional Information tab

Field or Control


Refine Search Criteria

Hover the cursor over this link to view filters currently in use in the grid. Click the link to enter filter values on the Refine Search Criteria page. This grid uses the Treasury Deals (TR_PORTFOL) filter and you can change these filter values to display results in the grid:

  • Business Unit

  • Instrument Type

  • Counterparty

  • Deal Status

  • Portfolio

Deal ID

Click the Deal ID value link to open the Deal Confirmation page for the deal, where you can manually confirm the deal.

Confirm Deals

Click this button after selecting one or more deals to confirm the selected deals.

Use the Approve Deals page (TR_DEAL_WC_GRID) to display open deals that are pending review; select deals and approve.


  • Cash Management > Treasury WorkCenter > My Work pagelet

    Click the Deals: Approve Deals link.

  • Deal Management > Capture Deals > Preview/Approve Deals > Deal Preview/Approval

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Approve Deals page - Deal Information page.

Approve Deals page - Deal Information page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Approve Deals page - Additional Information page.

Approve Deals page - Additional Information tab

Field or Control


Refine Search Criteria

Hover the cursor over this link to view filters currently in use in the grid. Click the link to enter filter values on the Refine Search Criteria page. This grid uses the Treasury Deals (TR_PORTFOL) filter and you can change these filter values to display results in the grid:

  • Business Unit

  • Instrument Type

  • Counterparty

  • Deal Status

  • Portfolio

Deal ID

Click the Deal ID value link to open the Deal Preview/Approval page for the deal.

Approve Deals

Click this button after selecting one or more deals to approve the selected deals.

The Exceptions group level includes these links to transaction areas:

  • Payments on Hold

  • Payments in Error

  • Accounting Errors

Page Name


Alternate Navigation


Payments on Hold


Cash Management > Treasury WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Exceptions: Payments on Hold link.

View payments on hold.

Payments in Error


Cash Management > Treasury WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Exceptions: Payments in Error link.

View payments in error.

Accounting Errors


Cash Management > Treasury WorkCenter > My Work pagelet. Click the Exceptions: Accounting Errors link.

View a summary list of accounting errors.

Use the Accounting Errors page (TR_APP_WC_GRID) to view a summary list of accounting errors.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Accounting Errors page - Summary tab.

Accounting Errors page - Summary tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Accounting Errors page - Additional Information tab.

Accounting Errors page - Additional Information tab

Field or Control


Refine Search Criteria

Hover the cursor over this link to view filters currently in use in the grid. Click the link to enter filter values on the Refine Search Criteria page. This grid uses the Accounting Filter View (CM_ACCTG) filter and you can change these filter values to display results in the grid:

  • Accounting Date

  • Business Unit

  • Source Code

Accounting ID

Click the Accounting ID link to open the Accounting Entries page (TRA_ACCTG_LINE).