Exporting Market Risk Files

Using the Risk File Export process (RSK_FILEXP), you can export risk analysis data for a specified business unit and portfolio to a third party.

Page Name

Definition Name


Export Market Risk File Page


Run the Risk File Export Application Engine process to export risk analysis files to a third-party application.

Use the Export Market Risk File page (TR_FOUR15_FILE_EXP) to run the Risk File Export Application Engine process to export risk analysis files to a third-party application.


Risk Management > Analyze Risk > Export Market Risk File > Export Market Risk File

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Export Market Risk File page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Export Market Risk File page

Field or Control



Select a business unit. The business unit selected determines the prompt values for the portfolio and instrument type fields.


Select a portfolio to determine which deals will be included in the file.

Instrument Type

Selecting an instrument type limits the inclusion of file data to only deals of a particular instrument type. This field can be left blank.

File Path

Enter the path and directory to which the newly created file will be exported.