Creating a CBM Alert Using Web Services

Web Services enables an external condition monitoring system, which is monitoring an asset is being monitoring an asset, to send a SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) message to PeopleSoft Maintenance Management indicating that the asset is operating outside its tolerance limits. PeopleSoft Maintenance Management:

  1. Receives the SOAP request message of a new alert.

  2. Validates the SOAP request message.

  3. Uses the matching rules to populate the work order Business Unit and Shop ID.

  4. Generates the Alert Identification.

  5. Triggers the workflow to notify the person with the CBM Coordinator role and matching profile.

  6. Saves the alert.

  7. Sends back Alert Identification to condition monitoring system in a SOAP response message.

Everything is generated automatically without an manual intervention. Setting up Web Services is the key factor, which enables the transfer of information back and forth between an external system and PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. documentationPeopleTools describe, in detail, how to set up Web Services.

See documentation PeopleTools: Integration Broker