Defining a Service Request Business Unit

To set up a service request business unit, use the Service Request (BUS_UNIT_TBL_WR) component.

This section provides an overview of service request business units and discusses how to set up the service request business unit Definition page and select service request fields for audit control.

Page Name

Definition Name


Definition Page


Define service request default values.

Audit Control Page


Specify fields in a service request to audit.

The primary purpose of the service request business unit is to separate service requests by request center. The service request business unit consists of two separate pages:

  • Definition page.

    Service Request Options, which enable you to set up a default service center and service request priority value of critical, urgent, standard, or low. You also indicate the number of days between completion of a service request and the actual automatic closing of a service request. A requester is notified when a service request is complete and can respond within the number of days entered here if the work was not performed satisfactorily or something more needs to be done. The system also tracks the number of the last service request issued for this service request business unit.

  • Audit Control page.

    This page enables you to select the service request fields to audit for changes.

There is no direct correlation between service request business units and work order business units. If an agent creates a work order from a service request, the work order business unit is derived from the problem definition and the service center (location) on the service request. For example, if you create a service request indicating that there is a malfunctioning desktop computer in Pleasanton for the HQ-IT agent, the agent can create a work order using work order business unit US001, which is the business unit for which this problem and service center were defined.

Note: The system does not use the service request business unit to process any accounting transactions.

Use the Audit Control page (WM_AUDIT_CNTRL) to specify fields in a service request to audit.


Select the Audit Control tab.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Audit Control page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Audit Control page

Field or Control


Service Request Audit Fields

Select the service request fields in which you want to audit changes. The fields include:

  • Asset Identification.

  • Assigned By.

  • Assigned To.

  • Location Code.

  • Service Request Center.

  • Service Request Priority.

  • Service Request Status.