Understanding Preventive Maintenance Work Orders

This section discusses the setup and processing of preventive maintenance work orders.

PeopleSoft Maintenance Management enables users to plan, schedule, and complete an organization's routine maintenance of individual assets, groups of assets, or specific locations through the creation and processing of preventive maintenance work orders. Users can set up preventive maintenance schedules for individual assets, for preventive maintenance loops composed of multiple assets, and for specific locations where non-asset-related maintenance activities are performed on an ongoing basis. You can select one of several different scheduling options and base the scheduling on selected dates or meter readings (assets and loops only). You can set up a primary schedule and one or more secondary schedules and link these schedules to synchronize the generation of preventive maintenance work orders and projections based on the calculated or projected dates of the associated schedules.

When you run the Preventive Maintenance Process Application Engine (WM_PM), it uses information in the schedules and their associated job templates to generate work orders. You run the Preventive Maintenance Process in batch mode. Based on projection data that you set up in preventive maintenance schedules, you can run the Preventive Maintenance Process to generate projections, which enable you to plan future maintenance and determine future resource demand. You can load this data into Microsoft Project for further analysis. To generate preventive maintenance work orders, you:

  • Set up work order task and work order job templates that define the resource requirements and data that is needed to perform work order tasks for a scheduled asset in a preventive maintenance work order.

    See Setting Up Work Order Templates.

  • Optionally, define preventive maintenance loops, which are composed of groups of similar (homogeneous) and, possibly, even dissimilar (heterogeneous) assets. Maintenance loops can be associated with preventive maintenance schedules and work order job templates and used to generate preventive maintenance work orders and projections.

    See Understanding Preventive Maintenance Loops.

  • Set up preventive maintenance schedules for single assets, preventive maintenance loops, and locations, which establish specific rules based on time intervals or meters that are associated with specific assets and are used by the Preventive Maintenance Process to control the due date of the next scheduled maintenance.

    The Preventive Maintenance Process also uses preventive maintenance schedules to provide work order header information and to provide access to the work order job template, which it uses to create preventive maintenance work orders. If the shop that is specified in the schedule allows crew scheduling, a default crew ID will appear in the preventive maintenance work order that is generated.

  • Run Preventive Maintenance Processing to apply the rules that are set up in the preventive maintenance schedules to generate preventive maintenance work orders.

  • If you want, run the Preventive Maintenance Projections process to apply the rules that are set up in the preventive maintenance schedules to generate projection data, which can be loaded into Microsoft Project to perform forecasting activities.

Work Order Task and Work Order Job Templates

You create work order task and work order job templates to predefine the resource requirements and other data based on specified asset categories for similar types of work orders. Creating these templates reduces the amount of data entry time that is needed to create work orders. Work order task templates enable you to predefine the resource requirements and associated data for various types of maintenance and repair work orders. Work order job templates are applied at the work order header level and predefine a sequence of one or more job steps, which consist of the work order task templates that you need to complete maintenance or repair work. You must create a work order job template even if the maintenance operation consists of only one task.

You must associate a job template with each type of preventive maintenance schedule definition, which includes schedules for individual assets, for a maintenance loop, or for a location. Work order job templates that are used for preventive maintenance work orders are not set up any differently than any other work order job templates. However, you must set up these templates prior to setting up preventive maintenance loops and schedules.

For example, a fleet maintenance planner may want to set up a work order job template for the 3000 mile service of a specific line of trucks. This 3000 mile service consists of the following work order tasks:

  • Change oil.

  • Rotate tires.

  • Inspect brakes.

You create a work order task template for each activity, defining any resource requirements, attachments, instructions, checklists, and notes for each task. You then create the work order job template, naming it 3000 Mile Service, for example, and organize each of these tasks within the job template as job steps that are needed to complete the work order.

You can then associate this work order job template with one or more preventive maintenance schedules for this type of asset. You can also associate this work order job template with a preventive maintenance schedule that references a group of automobile assets that are defined for a maintenance loop.

In addition, because these work order task and job templates have effective-dating, you can maintain the requirements and tasks for an individual task within a multistep job template over time. When you adjust the task in either the work order task template or the work order job template, the changes are reflected in all of the preventive maintenance schedules that either directly or indirectly reference the template. For example, if you set up a new work order task template, Emission Inspection, and add it to the 3000 Mile Service work order job template, then any preventive maintenance schedule that is associated with this job template automatically has the Emission Inspection task added to it.

See Understanding Work Order Templates.