Using the Work Order Actuals Page

This section defines the Actuals page in the Work Order component.

Page Name

Definition Name


Actuals Page


Compares the scheduled start date and time with the actual start date and time for each work order task, and also compares the labor, inventory, purchase/on-hand, and tools scheduled for a work order task with the labor, inventory, purchase/on-hand, and tools actuals for a work order task.

Use the Actuals page (WM_WO_TASK_ACTUAL) to compares the scheduled start date and time with the actual start date and time for each work order task, and also compares the labor, inventory, purchase/on-hand, and tools scheduled for a work order task with the labor, inventory, purchase/on-hand, and tools actuals for a work order task.


Maintenance Management, Work Order Management, Work Order, select the Actuals tab.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Work Order - Actuals page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Work Order - Actuals page

The Actuals page is updated based on the dates and resources that you enter on the Schedules page for each work order task and the data that you enter on the Technician Workbench for each work order task.

Field or Control


Scheduled Start and Scheduled End

Enter these dates and times on the Schedules page of the Work Order component. You can modify these dates in the Work Order Workbench component. These dates are automatically updated on the Actuals page of the work order.

Actual Start and Actual End

Enter these dates and times on the Technician Workbench. When you save the Technician Workbench, these dates are automatically updated in these fields on the Actuals page of the work order.


Click this link to view the Labor Actuals grid. When you schedule employees for a work order task, these scheduled values are updated on the Actuals page of the work order. When you select a task on the Technician Workbench and enter the actual hours that the scheduled employee worked on the task, the system updates the actual dates and hours on the Actuals page of the work order. This enables you to compare the scheduled labor data to the actual labor data. You do not have to stage and process the time entries for this data to update the Actuals page in the work order. This grid contains:

  • The craft of each employee that worked on this task. This information is derived from the Schedules page of the work order.

  • Each employee's ID and employee's name, which is derived from the Schedules page of the work order.

  • The scheduled start and end dates and times for each employee, which is derived from the Labor Schedules grid on the Schedules page of the work order or the Work Order Workbench.

  • The actual start and end dates and times for each employee, which is entered on the Technician Workbench for each employee scheduled to work on the task.

  • The actual hours, which are entered when you enter time for the employee on the Time Entry page of the Technician Workbench.

  • The labor cost and labor bill rate are derived from the work order business unit or the craft, unless you modified these rates when you scheduled this employee in the work order.


Click this link to view the Inventory Actuals grid. This grid contains:

  • Planned Material

    This check box displays if the row is specified on the Inventory Requirements grid on the Requirements page of the work order. This check box is not selected if the row was only specified on the Inventory Schedules grid on the Schedules page of the work order, and not specified on the Inventory Requirements grid.

  • Item ID and DescriptionThe item is derived when you schedule an item on the Schedules page of the work order.

  • Quantity Required

    This is the amount specified in the planned quantity field on the Inventory Requirements grid on the Requirements page of the work order component. This field will be blank if a planned quantity was only specified on the Inventory Schedules grid and not on the Inventory Requirements grid.

  • Quantity Scheduled

    This value is derived when you schedule an item quantity on the Schedules page of the work order.

  • Quantity Issued

    This quantity is updated by PeopleSoft Inventory after a pick plan is generated and the quantity is issued to the technician and updated in the work order.

  • Used Quantity

    You can enter this quantity directly on this page, or it is updated if you enter a quantity for the item in the Technician Workbench.


Click this link to access the Purchasing Actuals grid which contains these fields:

  • Item ID and Description

    These values are derived from the data entered on the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules grid on the Schedules page of the work order. You can select a non-inventory item, an employee ID, or enter an open description and the system updates the fields on this page based on your entry.

  • Resource Type

    This value is also derived from the Purchase/On-Hand Schedules grid on the Schedules page of the work order. You must select whether your selected entry is material, labor, or a tool resource.

  • Planned Quantity and Unit of Measure

    This value is derived from the requisition staged for the selected value in the Purchase/On-Hand grid on the Schedules page of the work order.


Click this link to access the Tools Actuals grid. This grid contains the following fields:

  • Asset Identification and Description.

    These values are derived from values that you enter in the Tool Schedules grid on the Schedules page of the work order.

  • Scheduled Start Date/Time and Scheduled End Date/Time

    These values are derived from the Tool Schedules grid on the Schedules page of the work order.

  • Actual Start Date/Time and Actual End Date/Time

    These values are updated when you enter and save values on the Tool Usage page on the Technician Workbench

  • Actual Usage and Unit of Measure

    These values are updated when you enter and save values on the Tool Usage page on the Technician Workbench