Working With Work Orders

Work Orders includes the following components:

  • New Work Orders

  • Overdue Work Order Tasks

  • Work Orders Pending Approval

Work Orders pagelets display all the details about new work orders, overdue work order tasks, and pending approval work orders. Users can view and edit certain fields.

Page Name

Definition Name


New Work Orders Page


View and edit new work orders.

Overdue Work Order Tasks Page


View and edit overdue work order tasks.

Work Orders Pending Approval Page


View and edit work orders pending approval.

Maintenance Management > MM WorkCenter > Work Orders > Work Orders Pending Approval

Use the New Work Orders page to view and edit new work orders.


Maintenance Management > MM WorkCenter > Work Orders > New Work Orders

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the New Work Orders page.

New Work Orders page

The New Work Orders page displays all the new work order details, such as work order ID and approval status. The data that appears is based on the search criteria defined in the Search Criteria page. Users can modify the search criteria by clicking the Refine Search Criteria link. Users can choose to display work orders based on work order creation date or required start date. In the filter criteria, they can also specify the number of days that qualifies the work order to be new.

The New Work Orders grid includes five tabs: Main, Details, Details 2, Asset Information, and Additional Asset Information. In every tab, some fields—such as Work Order ID and Description—have links that users can click to access the Work Order page, which opens in a new window.

Field or Control


Refine Search Criteria

Click to view and edit the predefined filter criteria for new work orders. Defined search criteria are:

  • Business Unit

  • Work Order ID

  • Work Order Status

  • Work Type

  • Service Group

  • Shop

  • Priority Code

  • Maintenance Type

  • AM Business Unit

  • Asset Identification

  • Tag Number

  • Serial ID

  • VIN

  • Asset Type

  • Asset Subtype

  • Asset Criticality

  • Asset Location

  • Area ID

  • Created On

  • Manufacturer Name

  • Model

  • Days Past Creation Date

  • Product Version

  • Required Start

  • Required End

  • Days Past Required Start

  • Days Past Required End

  • Approval Status

  • Work Order Source

  • Scheduler


Click this icon to refresh the grid.

Use the Overdue Work Order Tasks page to view and edit overdue work order tasks.


Maintenance Management > MM WorkCenter > Work Orders > Overdue Work Order Tasks

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Overdue Work Order Tasks page.

Overdue Work Order Tasks page

The Overdue Work Order Tasks page displays work order details pertaining to overdue work order tasks. The data that appears is based on the search criteria defined in the Search Criteria page. Users can modify the search criteria by clicking the Refine Search Criteria link. Users can choose to display work orders based on work order creation date, required start date, scheduled start date, or actual start date. In the filter criteria, they can also specify the number of days that qualifies the work order as overdue.

The Overdue Work Order Tasks grid include five tabs: Main, Details, Details 2, Asset Information, and Additional Asset Information. In every tab, some fields—such as Work Order ID and Description—have links that users can click to access the Work Order page, which opens in a new window.

Field or Control


Refine Search Criteria

Click to view and edit the predefined filter criteria for the overdue work order tasks. Defined search criteria are:

  • Business Unit

  • Work Order ID

  • Task Status

  • Work Type

  • Service Group

  • Shop

  • Priority Code

  • Maintenance Type

  • AM Business Unit

  • Asset Identification

  • Tag Number

  • Serial ID

  • VIN

  • Asset Type

  • Asset Subtype

  • Asset Criticality

  • Asset Location

  • Area ID

  • Created On

  • Manufacturer Name

  • Model

  • Product Version

  • Required Start

  • Required End

  • Days Past Required Start

  • Days Past Required End

  • Scheduled Start Date

  • Scheduled End Date

  • Days Past Schedule Start

  • Days Past Schedule End

  • Actual Start Date

  • Actual End Date

  • Days Past Actual Start

  • Days Past Actual End

  • Approval Status

  • Work Order Source

  • Scheduler


Click this icon to refresh the grid.