Setting Up Instant Messaging by Using MultiChannel Framework

To set up instant messaging for PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing, use the Installation Options - Strategic Sourcing page.

To set up queues, use the MultiChannel Queue (MCF_Q_CONFIG_CMP) component. To set up agents, use the MultiChannel Agents (MCF_AGENT_CMP) component.

Use the PeopleTools MultiChannel Framework to enable instant messaging among bidders and event creators. Bidders can initiate chats with an event owner, which enables bidders to receive immediate responses on questions or clarifications for a selected event.

To set up the MultiChannel Framework:

  1. Create and configure clusters.

  2. Configure REN servers.

  3. Configure MCF queues.

  4. Set up MultiChannel Framework defaults on the Installation Options - Strategic Sourcing page.

    See Installation Options - Sourcing Installation Options Page.

  5. (Optional) Maintain MCF agents.

See PeopleTools: MultiChannel Framework

Note: To maintain a chat log for events, select PeopleTools > MCF > Universal Queue > Configuration > Cluster Tuning. Change the Key log_chat_ses value to Yes to activate the log. You must reboot the application server for the system to start maintaining a chat log.