Common Elements Used to Analyze Bids

Field or Control


Sort Bids By

On both the Analyze Total page and the Analyze Line page, you can sort the bids to display responses by Bidder Name, Header Cost, Header Score, Total Bid Amount, Total Cost, or Total Event Score.

Display Options

Select a display value:

  • View Factor Costs: Select to view the bid factor costs when analyzing bids.

  • View Factor Responses: Select to view the bid factor responses when analyzing bids.

  • View Factor Scores: Select to view the bidder's scores for each bid factor when analyzing bids.

View Bid Actions

Select any of these sourcing event actions to view when analyzing bids:

  • All Bid Actions: To include all bids.

  • Award: To award the event to the selected bidder.

  • Counter: To invite the bidder to the next round of the event.

  • Disallow: To disallow the bid and remove it from the event.

    This is used in situations such as when a bidder has made an erroneous bid on an auction event and the bidder's bid needs to be canceled

  • Reject: To reject but not disallow the bid.

    The system notifies the bidder that the bid was not accepted. This is used in situations with multiround events when a bid is not being carried forward to the next round.

  • <No Action>