Correcting Billing Interface Errors

To verify data integrity, the Billing Interface process validates the data in the interface staging area. If the Billing Interface process finds an error, it marks the LOAD_STATUS_BI column for all related rows as ERR (error). The Billing Interface process also marks the ERROR_STATUS_BI column with a more specific error condition. Navigate to the Correct Interface Error component to search for the transaction in error. Locate the line that displays a Load Status of ERR and a description of the error. If a line displays the Load Status of ERR and no error code or description, the line is related to another line containing errors and may not contain errors itself. Go through all other tabs presented until you locate the actual code or description. Review the line and take the appropriate action necessary to correct the error.

This table explains the Billing Interface error conditions:

Error Code


0010 - Invalid Transaction Type

Transaction type must be LINE, AE, AHDR, TAX, NOTE, EXSD, DS, or DDS.

0015 - Invalid Entry Event

The provided entry event is invalid.

0020 - Too Many Charge Lines

There is more than one LINE transaction for a unique combination of interface ID (INTFC_ID) and interface line number (INTFC_LINE_NUM).

0030 - No Charge Line for Activity

There exists accounting entries (AE), notes (NOTE), discounts/surcharges (DS), or deferred accounting for discount/surcharge (DDS) transactions, which do not belong to a bill line charge (LINE) transaction.

0040 - Invalid Business Unit

The provided business unit is invalid.

0045 - VAT Information for Non-VAT Business Unit

The Billing Interface encountered unexpected value-added tax (VAT) information for a non-VAT business unit.

Ensure that VAT_APPLICABILITY and TAX_CD_VAT have no values in non-VAT business unit transactions.

0050 - Invalid Bill Type

The provided bill type is invalid.

0060 - Invalid Customer

The provided bill to customer is invalid.

0070 - Invalid Bill To Address

The provided bill to address is invalid.

0080 - Invalid Bill To Contact

The provided bill to contact is invalid.

0090 - Invalid Bill Source

The provided bill source is invalid.

0100 - Invalid Bill Cycle

The provided bill cycle is invalid.

0101 - Invalid Billing Specialist

The provided billing specialist is invalid.

0102 - Invalid Billing Authority

The provided billing authority is invalid.

0103 - Invalid Billing Inquiry Phone

The provided billing inquiry phone number is invalid.

0110 - Invalid Payment Term

The provided payment term is invalid.

0111 - PYCV line contains a tax code

Payment with Corporate Voucher lines cannot reference a tax code.

0113 - Sales Tax/VAT is Applicable

Tax rate code or sales tax/VAT detail record is missing.

0114 - Invalid India Transaction

Transaction with India taxation did not originate from PeopleSoft Order Management, PeopleSoft Contracts, Projects to Billing, BI Batch, Asset to Billing, Inventory to BI, or Load Data from Spreadsheet. PeopleSoft Billing processes India tax transactions only from these sources.

0115 - Invalid Payment Method

The provided payment method is invalid.

0116 - GST Applicability not Enabled

GST Applicability not enabled. Blank sales tax flag (STX_APPL_FLG) will cause this error

0119 - Missing Tax Parameters

Missing tax rate code.

0120 - Invalid Tax Code

The provided tax code is invalid.

0121 - GST not Applicable

GST tax applicability flag (STX_APPL_FLG) is not set to Y (yes).

0122 - Missing required Tax Parameters

Either a ship to customer or ship to location, or both, are not provided. These fields are required when third-party tax software is active for the Billing business unit.

0125 - Invalid Ship From Country

The provided ship from country is invalid.

0126 - Invalid Ship To Country

The provided ship to country is invalid

0127 - Invalid VAT Tax Code

The provided VAT tax code is invalid.

0128 - Invalid VAT Applicability

The provided VAT applicability is invalid.

0129 - Invalid VAT Transaction Type

The provided VAT transaction type is invalid.

0130 - Invalid Unit of Measure

The provided unit of measure is invalid.

0140 - Invalid Order Accept Location

The specified order-acceptance location is not valid in the Location table.

0150 - Invalid Order Origin Location

The specified order-origin location is not valid in the Location table.

0160 - Invalid Ship From Location

The specified ship from location is not valid in the Location table.

0170 - Invalid Source Reference

Both source reference and source type must be provided. One cannot be blank when the other one is assigned a value.

0200 - Invalid Standard Note Code

The provided standard note code is invalid.

0210 - No Note Text Provided

No note text exists for NOTE transaction type. This arises when either no note code or note text are provided for a NOTE transaction, or when no note text appears by default from the provided note code.

0220 - Missing or invalid line type

Either no line type was provided or an invalid line type was provided. Line type is required.

0230 - Invalid use of SubCustomer

Either the system or the customer is not set up to accept this kind of subcustomer information.

0232 - Invalid Consol Customer ID

The consolidation customer (CONSOL_CUST_ID, CONSOL_SETID) that was passed is not set up as a consolidation customer.

0233 - Missing or Invalid Billing Currency

The billing transaction currency is invalid or missing.

0234 - Invalid Currency Rate Type

The provided currency rate type is invalid.

0235 - Rate Mult/Rate Div

When the rate source is user defined, the Rate Mult and Rate Div fields are required.

0240 - Invalid Target Invoice Status

The specified target invoice cannot have a bill status of INV, CAN, FNL, TMR, or TMP.

0243 - Invalid Target Invoice Type

You cannot add lines to the specified target invoice. A target invoice cannot be a credit or a rebill invoice.

0244 - Different Customer or Currency for Targets

Transactions that reference the same target invoice must also reference the same bill to customer and billing currency.

0245 - Target Invoice Already Exists

You cannot set or change the pay status of existing invoices to Fully Paid.

0246 - Target Invoice Fully Paid

You cannot add lines to an existing fully-paid invoice.

0247 - Invalid Fully Paid Transaction

It is not allowed to send fully paid transactions from any source other than Order Management.

0300 - Disc/Sur Amt & Pct = 0

The discount/surcharge amount and discount/surcharge percentage are both 0. This occurs when either no amount or percentage is provided for a DS transaction or no amount or percentage appears by default from the provided discount/surcharge ID.

0310 - Missing Discount/Surcharge ID

No discount/surcharge ID was provided on the DS or DDS line. A discount/surcharge ID is required on DS or DDS lines.

0350 - Missing tax details

Required tax details are missing.

0351 - Invalid Tax Detail transaction

When all tax details are present, bill header data must also be present.

0355 - Tax details <> Line Tax Amt

The sum of the amounts in the tax detail records does not equal the line tax amount.

0386 - CA/BI Currency Mismatch (Contracts/Billing currency mismatch)

The selected currency code for this bill line does not match the currency code on the selected bill plan ID for PeopleSoft Contracts.

0400 - No Bill By for Line

After defaulting bill by from customer, bill source, bill type, and business unit, no bill by identifier exists for grouping the interface activity into the bill data structure.

0411 - Missing Bill By Field(s) Value

One or more bill by fields in the bill by ID are missing values.

0412 - Missing Required VAT Data

One or more required VAT-related fields are missing values. Ensure that you directly populate these fields (or populate the fields that these fields are derived from) in INTFC_BI:



  • COUNTRY_VAT_BILLFR (returned by VAT defaulting function based on Billing business unit location).

  • COUNTRY_VAT_BILLTO (returned by VAT defaulting function based on bill-to customer location).

  • VAT_TREATMENT_GRP (returned by VAT defaulting function).

0413 - PVN Lvl Missing Bill By Field

To process invoices from contracts that require a Public Voucher Number to be generated by the Billing Interface, certain fields must be included in the Bill By.

  • If the PVN generation level is Contract (C), then the PVN_GEN_LVL, CONTRACT_NUM, FROM_DT and TO_DT fields must be in the Bill By.

  • If the PVN generation level is Contract Line (CL), then the PVN_GEN_LVL, CONTRACT_NUM, CONTRACT_LINE_NUM, FROM_DT and TO_DT fields must be in the Bill By.

  • If the PVN generation level is Project (P), then the PVN_GEN_LVL, CONTRACT_NUM, PROJECT_ID, FROM_DT and TO_DT fields must be in the Bill By.

0510 - No Accounting Entries for line

Required accounting entries for a bill line do not exist.

0511 - Invalid Accounting Entries

A charge line may not have a revenue (RR) and an contract asset AE unless the bill is an installment bill.

0513 - More than one IP entry for line

More than one interunit payable (IP) type line exists for the bill line. Only one is permitted.

0514 - More than one AR entry for line

There is more than one AR type line for the bill line. Only one is permitted.

0515 - More than one IE entry for line

More than one interunit expense (IE) type line exists for the bill. Only one is permitted.

0516 - No deferred entry for line

The revenue recognition basis specifies that the line is potentially subject to contract liability recognition, but no deferred accounting entries exist. This also applies to DS lines with no deferred accounting entries.

0517 - CA not allowed for non INS

Unbilled accounting entries are not allowed from external, non-PeopleSoft integrations. The features for unbilled accounting entries are used exclusively with installment bills (which you can enter only online) and bills from PeopleSoft Contracts and Project Costing.

0520 - Accounting <> 100% or <> 0% or Gross Ext

The sum of accounting entry amounts for a particular charge line does not equal the gross extended amount for that line, or the sum of the accounting entry percentages for a particular charge line does not equal 100 percent or 0 percent.

0523 - Unbilled <> 100% or <> 0% or Gross Ext

For a charge line with unbilled accounting entries, the sum of accounting entry amounts for a particular charge line does not equal the gross extended amount for that line, or the sum of the accounting entry percentages for a particular charge line does not equal 100 percent or 0 percent.

0525 - Deferred <> 100% or <> 0% or Gross Ext

The sum of contract liability accounting entry amounts for a particular charge line does not equal the gross extended amount for that line, or the sum of the accounting entry percentages for a particular charge line does not equal 100 percent or 0 percent.

0526 - Inherited ChartField(s) varies

Inherited ChartField values for a bill line's revenue distribution varies. This option is not supported.

0530 - Invalid Distribution ID

The provided distribution code on an RR type AE or DS transaction is invalid.

0532 - Invalid AR Distribution ID

The provided AR distribution code on a charge line transaction is invalid.

0534 - Invalid Deferred Dist ID

The provided distribution code on a DDS AE is invalid.

0540 - Invalid Account

The account on an AE, DS entry, or DDS entry is invalid.

0542 - Invalid AltAccount

Either the provided alternate account is invalid or the alternate accounting option is not selected.

0544 - No AltAccount

The alternate accounting option is selected, but no alternate account was provided.

0550 - Invalid Department

The department on an AE, DS entry, or DDS entry is invalid.

0557 - Invalid ChartField value

The provided ChartField value is invalid. This is a generic message for fully configurable ChartFields. Check the message log for the Billing Interface process instance to see which ChartField value is invalid.

0560 - Invalid Project ID

The project on an AE, DS entry, or DDS entry is invalid.

0580 - Invalid Statistics Code

The statistics code on an AE, DS entry, or DDS entry (DDS) is invalid.

0584 - Invalid Affiliate

The affiliate value provided on AE, DS, or DDS transactions is invalid.

0590 - No Dst ID or Account

No account exists for an AE or DS.

0591 - No AR Dst ID or Account

No AR distribution code or account exists for a Header AR AE in the INTFC_BI_HDR table.

0595 - No Deferred DST ID or Acct

No deferred account exists for a DDS.

0597 - Invalid Account Entry Type

The account entry type on an AE is invalid.

0599 - Error in INTFC_BI_AEDS row

An error exists in the INTFC_BI_AEDS row.

0610 - Missing Open Item Key from open item account

The line references an open item account, but does not provide the corresponding open item key.

0650 - Invalid InterUnit Pair

The From and To GL business unit pair is not a valid pair for this interunit and intraunit bill line.

0653 - Cus Not Setup for IU Processing

Interunit information was passed, but the customer is not set up as an interunit customer.

0655 - IU Flag=Y but BU To is Null

After applying defaults, the Business Unit To field is blank. This field is required for interunit bills.

0660 - IU IP Sent but Gen Vchr Flg=Y

An AE for interunit payables (IP) cannot be passed when the Generate AP Voucher flag is set on the InterUnit Control Definition table.

0662 - BusUnit To Must Match Adj Bill

The to business unit must be the same as the to business unit on the invoice that is being adjusted.

0700 - Invalid Adjustment Trans Type

The adjustment transaction type is invalid. The type must be CRALL, RBALL, CRLIN, RBLIN, or NTLIN.

0710 - Invalid Invoice to Adjust

The invoice that is to be adjusted must have been invoiced (bill status INV) already and must not be a consolidated invoice.

0720 - Invalid Line Seq to Adjust

The line sequence to be adjusted is invalid. It does not exist.

0730 - Trans Type Must be Line

Line adjustment must have a transaction type of LINE.

0740 - Multiple Adj Not Allowed-CRALL

An invoice cannot be adjusted more than once in the interface batch.

0741 - Multiple Adj Not Allowed-RBALL

An invoice cannot be adjusted more than once in the interface batch.

0742 - Multiple Adj Not Allowed-CRLIN

An invoice cannot be adjusted more than once in the interface batch.

0743 - Multiple Adj Not Allowed-RBLIN

An invoice cannot be adjusted multiple times in the interface batch.

0744 - Multiple Adj Not Allowed-NTLIN

An invoice cannot be adjusted multiple times in the interface batch.

0750 - Must Be Latest Adj in Chain

The invoice or line to be adjusted must not have been adjusted already.

0755 - Prior Adj at Different Level

The invoice or line to be adjusted cannot have prior adjustments that were made at a different level. That is, if prior adjustments were made at the line level, it is not valid to then make them at the header level.

0760 - Invalid Adj Delta Action

The adjustment delta action for the rebill transaction is invalid. Valid values are ADD, DEL, and RPL.

0770 - Currency Must Match Adj Bill

The currency of the adjustment must be the same as the invoice that is being adjusted.

0780 - Trans Type Must be AHDR

Adjustment transactions of type CRALL must have a transaction type of ADHR.

0785 - No Adj Trans Type for AHDR

Transaction types of AHDR must have an adjustment transaction type of CRALL or RBALL.

0790 - No Assoc Cr Header for Rebill

An adjustment transaction type of RBALL must be accompanied by an adjustment transaction type of CRALL for the same invoice.

0791 - No Assoc Cr Line for Rebill

An adjustment transaction type of RBLIN must be accompanied by an adjustment transaction type of CRLIN for the same invoice.

0795 - No Adjust Header for Line

Rebill delta lines must be accompanied by an associated RBALL line.

0799 - Adjustment Err by Association

This adjustment transaction line is associated with another line that contained an error. There may be nothing wrong with this particular line, but when an error is found in one adjustment line, all related adjustment lines are marked with an error.

0800 - Target Invc Err by Association

This target invoice transaction line is associated with another line that contained an error. There may be nothing wrong with this particular line, but when an error is found in one target invoice line, all related target invoice lines are marked with an error.

0801 - Invalid Statistic Account

The statistical account provided is invalid.

0802 - Invalid Account

A statistical account that is provided for nonstatistical accounting entry line.

0803 - No Statistic Code or Amount

For nonstatistical accounting entry line:

A statistic code was provided with no statistic amount.

A statistic amount was provided with no statistic code.

0804 - Invalid Account; not monetary

For statistical accounting entry lines, an account may not be a monetary account.

0805 - No Statistic Amount

No statistic amount was provided.

0810 - No Matching Record found

For each record in the INTFC_BI_HDR table, an associated record in the INTFC_BI table must exist.

0811 - Invalid Transaction Type

The header transaction type that is provided for a record in INTFC_BI_HDR table is invalid.

0813 - No Paid Amount Provided

A paid reference is present, but no paid amount is provided.

0899 - Error in INTFC_BI_HDR row

An error exists in the INTFC_BI_HDR row.

0901 - Acceptgiro IVC Form Invalid

Acceptgiro invoices must use the portrait (P) format.

0902 - Acceptgiro Bank CD Invalid

The bank code must be 007 or 008, which corresponds to the valid Dutch banking institutions that can receive acceptgiro payments.

0903 - Acceptgiro BNK Act Key Invalid

The bank account must use a valid acceptgiro bank code.

0904 - Cons. SetID, CustID not blank

Those invoices that require acceptgiro processing are not allowed to have a consolidation SETID and customer ID.