Generating Unbilled Revenue Accrual Accounting Entries

The Load GL - Contract Asset process (BIACCRUE) generates accounting entries for accruing revenue for unbilled invoices.

Page Name

Definition Name


Accrue Unbilled Revenue Page


Generate unbilled revenue accrual accounting entries.

Accrue Unbilled Revenue (consolidated) Page


Generate unbilled revenue accrual accounting entries for consolidated bills.

Bill Lines Accrued Page


Review which bills and bill lines are accrued, and review the accounts and amounts for all bills in the specified date range. This report uses the same run control options as the Accrue Unbilled Revenue process. Run this report (using the same run control options that you used on the Accrue Unbilled Revenue page) to review everything that is accrued if it is the only accrual run within the date range.

Lines Not Ready to Accrue Rpt Page


Determine which bills do not accrue. This report uses the same run control options as the Accrue Unbilled Revenue process. Run this report (using the same run control options that you use on the Accrue Unbilled Revenue page) to review everything that is not accrued if it was the only accrual run that is within the date range.

Use the Accrue Unbilled Revenue page (RUN_BI_ACCRUAL) to generate unbilled revenue accrual accounting entries.


Billing > Generate Invoices > Accrue Unbilled Activity > Non-Consolidated Bills > Accrue Unbilled Revenue

Field or Control



To accrue by business unit, select a value here. Insert a new row for each additional business unit that you want to include in the process. If you leave this field blank, the process accrues for all business units.

Accounting Date

Select Run Date to assign to the accounting entries the date of the process run. Select User Date to assign a user-specified date.

Use the Bill Line Not Ready page (RUN_BI_ACCR_RPT2) to determine which bills do not accrue.

This report uses the same run control options as the Accrue Unbilled Revenue process. Run this report (using the same run control options that you use on the Accrue Unbilled Revenue page) to review everything that is not accrued if it was the only accrual run that is within the date range.


Billing > Generate Invoices > Accrue Unbilled Activity > Lines Not Ready to Accrue Rpt

Field or Control


Accounting Date

If you are troubleshooting, select the accounting date that you use during the Load GL Unbilled process. If you are ensuring that bills are in order before you run Load GL Unbilled process, define the accounting date that you plan to use for that process.

Not Marked to Accrue

(ACCRUE_UNBILLED=N). Select to list bills that you do not mark to accrue on the Standard Billing - Header - Info 2 page.

100% Revenue Distribution

Select to list bills that do not have adequate revenue accounting information to create accounting entries.

No Dis/Sur ChartFields (no discount/surcharge chartfields)

Select to list bills that do not have adequate discount or surcharge accounting information to create accounting entries.

Note: If a bill does not accrue because of all three reasons in the previous three field descriptions, the report lists that bill three times.

Field or Control


Bill Status Not Eligible

Select to list bills with a bill status that is not included on the list of statuses on the business unit (and not of INV, TMR, TMP, and CAN). Bills that do not accrue for this reason might be disqualified for other reasons too. Fix the status, and run this report again to see if it is disqualified for any other reason.