Scheduling Workflow Processes in PeopleSoft Billing

This topic discusses how to scheduling workflow processes in PeopleSoft Billing.

Page Name

Definition Name


Billing Workflow Page


Run workflow processes in PeopleSoft Billing or set up schedules to have Process Scheduler run them automatically.

Route Control Profile Page


Define the business units about which you want to be notified.

Workflow Batch Parameters Page


Designate parameter values for batch processes.

Use the Billing Workflow page (RUN_BI_WF) to run workflow processes in PeopleSoft Billing or set up schedules to have Process Scheduler run them automatically.


Billing > Generate Invoices > Utilities > Billing Workflow

From here, you can process workflow for the:

  • Pending Interface Transactions: If this option is selected, then a worklist will be created for any Billing Interface transactions that are a certain number of days old. The number of days determined by the number of days set up on the Workflow Batch Parameters page. Users defined as a Billing Interface Reviewer on the Role User Maintenance page will receive the worklist.

  • Pending Credit Card Transactions: If this option is selected, then a worklist will be created for any Credit Card transactions that have not been processed within a certain number of days. The number of days is determined by the number of days set up on the Workflow Batch Parameters page. Users defined as a PeopleSoft Billing Administrator on the Role User Maintenance page will receive the worklist.

  • Inactive Bills process: If this option is selected, then a worklist will be created for any invoices that have not yet been finalized within a certain number of days. The number of days is determined by the number of days set up on the Workflow Batch Parameters page. Users defined as a Billing Inactive PeopleSoft Bills Reviewer on the Role User Maintenance page will receive the worklist.

  • Inactive Consolidated Bills: If this option is selected, then a worklist will be created for any consolidated invoices that have not yet been finalized within a certain number of days. The number of days is determined by the number of days set up on the Workflow Batch Parameters page. Users defined as a PeopleSoft Billing Inactive Bills Reviewer on the Role User Maintenance page will receive the worklist.

Use the Route Control Profile page (RTE_CNTL_PROFILE) to define the business units about which you want to be notified.


PeopleTools > Workflow > Routings & Roles > Route Control Profile

Note: You must populate the ADD_DTTM field on the interface table for the Pending Interface Transactions process to find any pending interface items. The BI_WORKFLOW process uses this field to determine the age of the interface transactions.

Field or Control



Click to access the Process Scheduler, which lists the workflow process.

You can run a workflow process immediately by selecting a process and clicking OK. You can also configure the Process Scheduler to schedule the workflow database agent to run regularly (weekly, monthly, and so on) by entering a server name, recurrence, time zone, run date, and run time, and then clicking OK.