Understanding Bill Adjustment

Use the Adjust Bills function when you make invoice changes. You can credit entire bills and rebill with one action, or select only certain lines to rebill. You can also add lines of activity and rebill, change discounts or surcharges, associate new entry types and reasons with the bills, and calculate new totals.

You can adjust any bill in the system except consolidated bill headers. However, if the bill is originated from an external source, your business practice may require that you make corrections in the source system and initialize the adjustment from there. The source system then send the adjustment through the Billing Interface. If this is not an option for you, in some cases you can initiate the adjustment directly from PeopleSoft Billing.

When creating an adjustment, you will be required to enter an adjustment reason. An adjustment reason is required for both header and line level adjustments. You will be able to select the reason from a prompt list. To set up the valid values for the adjustment reason, navigate to Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Codes and Auto Numbering, Reason Codes and create codes for reason type Credit Memo.

If your system is activated to perform financial sanctions screening (FSS), the credit and rebill invoices will go through FSS again. For example, if you have loaded an updated financial sanctions list since the original invoice was validated, you should perform another validation on the new bills. Use the Screen for Denied Parties process or the Finalization process to perform the FSS on the new bills. If you perform a line adjustment and you add the adjusted line to an existing bill, then the new line will go through the FSS processing.

Note: When you use a third-party tax provider to process credit adjustments, PeopleSoft passes tax amount overrides, the credit values of the taxes on the adjusted bill lines, to the tax provider to enable register and audit log accuracy. Passing tax amount overrides for credit adjustments ensures that the tax provider tax registers and audit files carry the same tax amounts as those in PeopleSoft.

The following pages operate in deferred processing mode. Most fields are not updated or validated until you save the page or refresh it by clicking a button, link, or tab. This delayed processing has various implications for the field values on the page, for example, if a field contains a default value, any value that you enter before the system updates the page overrides the default. Another implication to keep in mind is that the system updates quantity balances or totals only when you save or refresh the page.

All credits and rebills can be combo edited online when the online combination edit installation option is turned on. This will prevent combo edit errors from being detected in the preload process, after a credit/rebill has been finalized and printed, due to changes in the combo edit rules that have occurred since the creation of the original bill. Upon saving the credit/rebill, combo edits will take place and any errors that occur will be flagged. Errors can be corrected using the bill entry transaction pages. To allow customers to change their GL/AR options and customer information, and have that information reflected on rebills the current GL/AR options and the customer information is copied to the new bills. There is an option to do a batch combo edit where all the entries will be sent through combo edit.