Understanding PeopleSoft Billing Tables

A bill may have many attributes, all of which are stored as data elements in various tables. Some attributes are processing related, such as invoice format, payment terms, or distribution code. Others are informational, such as bill inquiry phone, or notes. Some attributes you use internally for reporting or managing workflow, such as billing specialist, credit analyst, or bill cycle.

The following tables describe how the system uses the data that is stored in the various PeopleSoft Billing tables. The tables are categorized based on whether the data:

  • Is used to define the default hierarchy and invoicing parameters.

  • Has significant impact on processes or other parts of the system.

  • Is used to define PeopleSoft Billing charge attributes.

  • Is informational in nature.

This table contains information about default and invoice data tables:





Bill Type (BI_TYPE).

Required for each bill.

Denotes the category of activity that is being billed. A bill can only have one bill type defined at the bill header level.

Used as a default level for other billing options. Also used as an invoicing parameter.

Bill Source (BI_SRC).


Indicates the origin of the billing activity. Examples are: online input, order management system, or project costing system.

Used as a default level for other billing options. Also used as an invoicing parameter.

Billing Cycle (BI_CYCLE).


An identifier that is used to group billing activity according to a common invoicing schedule. The billing cycle is defined at the bill header level.

Used as an invoicing parameter. For example, a specific cycle could represent a monthly schedule for invoicing. It is also used to schedule recurring billing.

Business Unit Options (BUS_UNIT_OPT_BI).


PeopleSoft Billing financial default options that can be shared by multiple business units, such as remit to bank and account or accounts receivable distribution code. Keyed by SetID.

Used to identify billing options that appear by default at the business unit level. Billing origin ID is required, as is group type. Other business unit options are optional and you may override them by setting another default at a lower level.

This table contains information about tables of significant impact:





Bill By (BI_BILL_BY)

Required for external interface.

The criteria that you use to group billing activity onto a single bill. An example is contract number, where each contract number for a customer defines a separate bill.

Used only for billing activity coming through an external interface.

Distribution Code (DST_CODE_TBL)


Represents a valid combination of ChartFields to be posted to the general ledger.

This code makes the deferred distribution code appear by default. Each billing identifier, such as a charge code, discount, or surcharge, may have a default distribution code.

Invoice Format (BI_IVC_FORM)


A combination of parameters that control the display of information, such as notes, taxes, discounts and surcharges, and sorting of lines, for a particular invoice layout.

Used in the pro forma and invoice printing process.

Invoice Layout (BI_IVC_LAYOUT)


Identifies the Structured Query Report (SQR) program that controls the general layout of the invoice.

Uniquely named in the actual SQR program.

Invoice Number ID (BI_IVC_NUM)


Defines an invoice numbering scheme, including how many parts, text for prefixes and suffixes, next autosequence number, and length of field.

You can use many different invoice numbering schemes throughout the system at various levels.



Defines the pages and their order of use for bill entry.

You can assign a different page series at various levels, such as business unit or bill type, depending on your needs.

Payment Terms (PAY_TRMS_TBL) and Payment Terms Timing (PAY_TRMS_TIME)


Payment term identifies the payment due date and any payment discounts. You establish a payment terms timing so that the system can calculate a payment term.

Payment terms mainly provide information that is to be printed on invoices. Processing, such as calculating discounts, takes place in the receivables system.

Sort By Identifier (BI_SORT_BY)


Identifies the sort order of bill lines on an invoice, such as by alphabetical bill line description or descending charge from date.

Each invoice format has a sort by identifier. The Pro Forma Pre-process or Invoice Finalization (BIIVC000) process assigns invoice line sequence numbers accordingly.

This table contains information about PeopleSoft Billing charge data tables:





Charge Code (BI_CHARGE).


Represents a bill line. This may be a product, a type of service, or anything that you would bill to your customers.

Associated with a charge code is a description, unit of measure, price, revenue distribution code, and revenue recognition basis for contract liability. Because charge codes are created by currency, the fields on this page are populated by the default currency code that you set on the User Preferences - Billing page.

Discount and Surcharge (BI_DISC_SUR).


Defines multilevel percentage or dollar amount discounts or surcharges that are applied to a bill line that affects the net extended amount for that bill line. You can also enter a dollar amount discount or surcharge as a bill line.

Since discounts and surcharges are created by currency, the fields on this page are populated by the default currency code that you set in User Preferences - Billing page. Associated with a discount or surcharge is either a percentage or dollar amount and a distribution code, which is used to track discounts and surcharges separate from sales revenue.

Sales/Use Tax Authority and Code (TAX_HEADER_TBL) (TAX_AUTHORITY).


Identifies tax authorities and percentages and defines combinations of different tax authorities into a single tax code.

Tax codes are applied and calculated at the bill line level so that each bill line can be taxed at a different rate. Associated with each tax authority is a percentage and the appropriate chart fields for tracking tax liability in the general ledger.

This table contains information about PeopleSoft Billing informational tables:


Required / Optional



Bill Inquiry Phone (BI_INQPHONE_TBL).


Telephone number to call for billing inquiries.

May be printed on the invoice.

Billing Specialist (BI_SPECIALIST).


Person who is responsible for answering billing inquiries or processing these bills.

May be printed on the invoice or used internally to manage the work load.

Collector (COLLECTOR_TBL).


Person or agency that is involved in the collection of payment.

Carries over to the receivables system.

Credit Analyst (CR_ANALYST_TBL).


Person who is involved in credit analysis for this bill.

Carries over to receivables.

Bank Code (BANK_CD_TBL).


Bank to which the customer should remit payment.

Carries over to receivables.

Sales Person (SALES_PERSN_TBL).


Person responsible for the sale or contracting for this bill.

May be used for reporting.

Note Type (STD_NOTE).


Category of different notes, whether they are standard notes or one-time only for a specific bill.

Used to control the placement of the header or line notes according to the invoice format. Define note types on the Note Types page.

Standard Notes (NOTE_TYPE)


Notes that you generally used repeatedly. You may print header notes that are applicable to the entire invoice or line notes that apply to specific bill lines.

Printed on the pro forma or invoice. You can also identify a note as internal only, in which case it only appears online and is not printed on any documents. Define note types on the Note Type page.