Understanding the Billing Interface Application Engine State Records (INTFC_BI_AET, INTFC1_BI_AET, VAT_DFLT_AET)

The State Record is a PeopleSoft record that must be created and maintained by an Application Engine developer. This record defines the fields that a program uses to pass values from one action to another. The fields of the Application Engine State Record can be considered a working storage for the Application Engine program.

An Application Engine State Record must have PROCESS_INSTANCE defined as the first field and the only key field. For the system to recognize the record as a State Record, all State Record names must end with the _AET identifier.

The Billing Interface process employs two state records:

  • INTFC_BI_AET (primary).

  • INTFC1_BI_AET (secondary).

  • VAT_DFLT_AET (secondary). Used only for transactions that are liable for value added tax (VAT).