Reviewing Standard Cost Calculations

Before updating the production records with the new costs calculated by the Cost Rollup process, you can review the new cost using several inquiry pages, including:

  • Costs by Cost Version.

  • Items Without Cost by Version.

  • Cost Rollup Audit.

  • Message Log - Search.

Page Name

Definition Name


Costs by Cost Version Page


Displays item costs by type and version.

Cost Element Details Page


Displays the detailed costs maintained by component ID.

Items without Cost by Version Page


Displays all items that have no cost calculated. Use after running the Cost Rollup process to verify new costs were created for the cost type and version.

Cost Rollup Audit Page


Use to determine what items were not costed for a specific Cost Rollup process and to view the related error message text.

Message Log-Search Page


Review the status of any background process and view messages for any errors that occurred during the Cost Rollup or Update Production processes (Cost Update/Revalue process page).