Committing Freight Charges to PeopleSoft Billing and Cost Management

Once the freight amounts have been calculated and applied to the order level, the freight and miscellaneous charges must be passed to the PeopleSoft Billing and PeopleSoft Order Management applications. On the delivery, the Commit Freight for Billing check box controls when the information can be sent. When the Commit Freight for Billing field has the value of Y (yes), then:

  • The Populate Billing process (OMBILL) in PeopleSoft Order Management can pass the freight amounts to PeopleSoft Billing to be placed on customer invoices.

  • Once the order is depleted, then the freight amounts are available to PeopleSoft Cost Management to be recorded as shipping costs.

The Commit Freight for Billing field enables you to control when the freight charges are billed and costed without delaying the running of the above processes.

The same amounts are passed to both PeopleSoft Billing and PeopleSoft Cost Management. When the demand lines of the delivery are in the shipped state or any prior state, freight can be manually entered, calculated using the third-party freight provider or calculated using the internal PeopleSoft freight calculator. Once the demand lines are in the depleted state, you can manually override freight charges but you cannot use the internal or external freight systems to calculate freight. No freight can be applied to a line on the delivery that has been billed or costed.

You can select the Commit Freight for Billing check box (this sets the value to yes) on several online pages and process pages, including the:

  • Delivery Management Workbench.

  • Freight Management page and Freight Results page.

  • Shipping/Issues component.

  • Shipping Requests process page.

  • Front End Shipping Requests process page.

  • Fulfillment Workbench.

  • Picking Confirmation process page.

  • Material Picking Feedback component.

  • Process Deliveries/Freight process page.

  • Fulfillment Requests process page.

  • Inventory Pick Confirm EIP, Inventory Front End Shipping EIP, and Inventory Shipping EIP,

In order to set the Commit Freight for Billing field to the value of yes, the above online pages and processes must be moving the demand lines of the delivery into the shipped fulfillment state or the demand lines must already be in the shipped state.

The following points are important when working with the Commit Freight for Billing field:

  • The Freight Bill Type field on the delivery determines which freight charge is sent to PeopleSoft Billing and PeopleSoft Cost Management. If the Freight Bill Type field has the value of OrderEntry then the system passes the freight charges calculated or entered when the sales order is saved or during the Order Completion process in PeopleSoft Order Management. If the Freight Bill Type field has the value of Shipping then the system passes the freight charges and miscellaneous charges calculated or entered during the fulfillment steps in PeopleSoft Inventory.

  • The Delivery Option field on the Setup Fulfillment-Delivery/Freight page determines how the Commit Freight for Billing field is used. If the Delivery Option field has the value of No then the system does not use the Commit Freight for Billing field; once the lines are in the deleted fulfillment state, the manually-entered freight charges can be passed whenever you run the Populate Billing process (for PeopleSoft Billing) and the Cost Accounting Creation process (for PeopleSoft Cost Management). If the Delivery Option field has the value of Manual or Yes then the Commit Freight for Billing field is used and must be set to yes before freight and miscellaneous charges on a depleted line can be billed or costed. If using the manual option you can ship and deplete orders without creating deliveries; these orders can be billed and costed after running the Deplete On Hand Qtys process. The system recognizes that a delivery is not required in this situation.