Entering Freight Charges Manually

In PeopleSoft Order Management quote and order entry, freight can be entered manually on each delivery assigned to the order. If no delivery is assigned, you can enter the freight amount for the order.

In PeopleSoft Inventory, freight charges can be added manually on several pages and process pages.

Freight can be entered manually on the:

  • Packing Session component or Ship Container Detail page: Per shipping container, you can manually enter a freight amount and container weight. This freight amount override is only applied if the Freight Rollup field has the value of Rollup on the delivery. If you pack shipping containers into other shipping containers, the system uses the freight amount of the outermost shipping container only.

  • Shipping/Issues component: At the shipping ID level, you can launch the PeopleSoft internal or external freight calculator by selecting the Auto Process value in the Freight Option field and saving the shipment.

    At the sales order level, you can use the Freight Information tab of the Order Summary page to; manually enter overrides to the freight amount, add additional freight charges to the existing freight amount, or subtract additional freight charges from the existing freight amount. In addition, the Shipping/Issues component enables you to add miscellaneous charges to the order. If a freight amount override has been entered on the Shipping/Issues component, then the freight override remains unchanged if freight is recalculated.

    If delivery processing is activated for the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit and multiple deliveries already exist for the shipment and the order, a sum of the deliveries' existing freight for the ship ID and order is displayed for each order. If the freight amount is changed here when multiple deliveries for the ship ID and order exist, the first delivery is updated with the freight change.

    If delivery processing is not activated for the Inventory business unit, the freight that you enter here is passed to PeopleSoft Billing and PeopleSoft Cost Management after the order lines have been depleted and the interface processes are run. If delivery processing is activated for the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit, the Commit Freight for Billing status on the delivery dictates when freight amounts are passed to PeopleSoft Billing and Cost Management. If any freight amount for the delivery ID, ship ID, and order has been billed or costed, then you cannot change the freight amount.

  • Front End Shipping Requests process page or Shipping Requests process page: At the transaction request level, these run control pages enable you to override or add a freight amount or select the Calculate Freight check box to use the internal or external freight calculator. Freight charges can be added manually in the Freight Amount field. Based on the Freight Amount Action field, these manually entries can override the existing freight amount or can be added to the existing freight amount.

    If delivery ID is used as part of the selection criteria, the freight amount entered on the run control is assigned at the delivery level and then is prorated to the sales order level for the demand lines assigned to that delivery. If the shipping container ID is used as part of the selection criteria or the shipping container ID is entered as an override value, the freight amount entered on the run control is assigned at the shipping container level. In all other cases, the freight amount entered is prorated across all the demand lines (orders) selected and applied to any assigned deliveries accordingly. Keep in mind that freight charges assigned to the shipping container level will not be billed on the delivery unless the Freight Rollup field has the value of Rollup.

  • Inventory Pick Confirm EIP, Inventory Front End Shipping EIP, Inventory Shipping EIP: or Fulfillment Workbench: At the request, group, or detail level you can add a freight amount or select the Calculate Freight check box to use the internal or external freight calculator. You can enter freight only at one of these levels for the transaction. Add a value to the Freight Amount field, and use the Freight Amount Action field to apply your manual freight amount as an override amount or an addition from the calculated freight charge.

    You can enter freight only at one of these levels for the transaction.

    If delivery ID is used as part of the selection criteria or the delivery ID is entered as an override value, the freight override amount entered is assigned at the delivery level and then the freight amount is prorated to the orders for the demand lines assigned to that delivery. If the shipping container ID is used as part of the selection criteria or the shipping container ID is entered as an override value, the freight override amount entered is assigned at the shipping container level. In all other cases, the freight amount entered is prorated across all the demand lines (orders) selected and applied to any assigned deliveries accordingly.

  • Delivery Management Workbench: Use the Freight Amount field or the Freight Chrg field to override freight at the delivery, shipping container, or the package level. Be sure to select the Freight Charge Override check box to apply the freight amount as an override.

If you override freight on one order of a multiple-order delivery and then have the third-party freight provider calculate freight, the calculated freight amount is not prorated to the override order. For example, you have one delivery containing two orders (order number 1 and 2). You enter an override freight amount of 10 USD on order number 1 and then send the delivery out to the third-party freight system. The third-party system returns a freight amount for the entire delivery of 100 USD, Assume that without the override, the system would prorate the delivery-level freight amount at 50 percent for each order. However, with the override freight amount of 10 USD on order number 1, the system only applied the prorated freight amount to order number 2. Therefore, order number 1 has the freight amount of 10 USD and order number 2 has the freight amount of 50 USD (half of 100 USD). When the orders are sent to PeopleSoft Billing and PeopleSoft Cost Management, 10 USD and 50 USD are used for costing and billing, totaling 60 USD not 100 USD.

You can also override the pro number or tracking number for the ship transaction. If a delivery ID is used as part of the selection criteria or the delivery ID is entered as an override value, a pro number can be entered as an override value, and the pro number is assigned to the delivery. If the shipping container ID is used as part of the selection criteria or the shipping container ID is entered as an override value, a tracking number can be entered as an override value, and the tracking number is assigned to the shipping container.